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"Open up Sakura, aru!" Yao knocked on Sakura's door repeatedly. Sakura shuddered a bit as she pulled the sheets she wrapped around herself tighter in the dark room. "I made some dinner for you, aru!"

"Go away, I don't want to be disturbed," Sakura said through several sheets. "I want to be left alone for today."

"Aiyaa, but you're in your room alone everyday! What's the difference, aru?" Yao shouted helplessly behind a locked door.

"Sakura...sensei wants you to come out," Mei said cheerfully, helping Yao. She tried to pry open Sakura's door, but with no such luck. Sakura gave a little jump as she heard her cousin Mei attempt to kick the door open.

"Sakura, we're all really worried about you! Well, except for Hyung, because he doesn't really care...but you have to come out from there, it's not safe!" Im Yong Soo pleaded. Mei continuously attempted to kick the door open.

"Please leave me alone..." Sakura said helplessly.

"Aha!" Mei managed to kick open the door, allowing light to spill inside her room, shattering her darkness. Sakura's heart nearly stopped. Her isolation was broken, and this was never a good thing for her. The light nearly blinded him - she was well accustomed to the darkness already.

Im Yong Soo and Yao were the first to enter. "I'm so worried, aru!" Yao hugged Sakura from behind. "Aiyaa...not moving or eating for three days...are you trying to kill yourself, aru?"

"You shouldn't have done that, you know," Im Yong Soo placed a hand on Sakura's narrow shoulder. Since Im Yong Soo's sleeves were too big for his hand, the white cloth covered most of Sakura's left shoulder. She gave a little jump at the touch. "It's dangerous...look at how skinny you are!"

Sakura glared at him. "I'm fine, Im Yong. It's not like I'll die..."

"You still have your first year of college to worry about, master Honda!" Mei pried Yao off of Sakura' back and hugged her. "You need to stay in good shape! Pressure is tenfold there than in highschool, you know!"

Sakura glanced behind her to look at her relatives. She saw Li Xiao and Lien Chung at the door, just staying outside and watching them. Sakura looked back at the wall in front of her and longed for isolation once more.

"I know what college is like..." Sakura muttered. "At least when I get home from university everyday, you all need to leave me alone because I have work to do and I'd rather not feel disturbed-"

"Oh no, you don't!" Sakura was cut off by Yao, who nodded at Lien and Li Xiao. The duo came back bringing in two suitcases filled with Sakura's stuff.

Sakura's eyes widened. "What do you think you're doing, Yao-san?"

Yao stood up and folded his arms against his chest. "Look, aru, you can't stay in isolation forever! That's why..." Yao gestured to the suitcases. "Until you've ruined this phase of yours, you cannot go back to this house!"

"Oof, that's harsh..." Lien rolled her eyes towards Li Xiao, who elbowed her to stay quiet.

Sakura immediately stood up with aching knees due to sitting down for so long. "A phase? Really, Yao? What kind of statement is that - I just want to be left alone, even just this once, okay? I do what I want. What does my isolation and your plans of making me leave this house have to do with anything?"

Mei gasped and glared at Yao. "Sensei! You didn't tell us that this was the plan!"

"Eh?!" Im Yong Soo looked at Yao as if he were crazy. "You're serious?!"

Yao nodded his head. "Aiyaa...perhaps it can go on for a year...I just don't like the feeling of her being so unsocial, aru!"

"That's a stupid reason to send someone away..." Li Xiao whispered to Lien, who nodded her head in agreement.

Yao looked at all his relatives, mainly focusing on Sakura. "But she needs it! Seriously, aru!"

Sakura rolled her eyes in exasperation and grabbed her things. "If it's only for a year and if it's only to improve my social skills...then fine. I'm out!"

Yao's eyes suddenly widened. "Wait, wait, wait, you're serious?! I was only joking, aru!"

"You shouldn't have insulted her, sensei," Mei patted Yao's back in comfort.

Sakura sighed and picked up her suitcases with both hands. "Sayonara. See you in a year."

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