Chapter 5: Noodles And Games

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"Alright, fellas!" Gilbert clanged a frying pan against another frying pan (much to Elizabeta's dismay) in order to get all of his housemates' attention (present company included, such as a certain female Hungarian) as he kicked a leg up on a wooden chair. "Today, we're going to celebrate my friend Antonio's asking Lovino out on a date!"

Elizabeta accidentally spit out her soda, her eyes sparkling. Everyone looked at her strangely and she waved a hand dismissively. "Oh, don't mind me. Do go on, Gilly."

"I thought I told you never to call me that..." Gilbert  muttered and rolled his eyes. "Whatever. So as I said, my awesome friend Antonio finally asked out Lovino."

"Why is that a big deal?" Sakura raised a hand hesitantly.

Elizabeta, Mathias, Gilbert, and Alfred gasped.

"You mean you don't know?!" Elizabeta looked mortified.

"Oh, man, I thought Eduard told her already," Mathias said as he clicked his pen in his hand repeatedly, making an annoying sound.

"Well, it's because Antonio's been pursuing Lovino for a two years now," Alfred laughed as he explained. "And they only started dating currently."

"Oh," Sakura understood. "Well, that's sweet."

Elixabeta sighed happily as she hugged a pillow close to her chest. "Oh, isn't it? Love is such a beautiful thing!"

Gilbert opened his palms and gestured for Elizabeta to calm down. "Yes, yes, I know. We get it! Your inner Francis is coming out and we don't want to see that. Especially after that one incident with the Asians."

Elizabeta scoffed in her seat and folded her arms against her chest.

The Asians? Sakura thought. Oh no, don't tell me Li Xiao and Im Yong Soo LIVE in this neighborhood...

"Anyways!" Gilbert brought out his wallet and waved it in the air triumphantly. "Since I already got my paycheck from my part-time job, we're going to eat somewhere!"

Everyone except Sakura cheered. Sakura couldn't get why her housemates were so excited at the idea of eating somewhere. Where was the fun in that?

"But where are we gonna eat?" Elizabeta broke the short period of rejoicing.

"Feliciano's family's Italian restaurant?" Mathias offered hopefully.

"We've been there three times, Mathematics," Elizabeta rolled her eyes, earning a glare from the Dane. "Don't get me wrong! I adore their food, but it's getting quite old, don't you think?"

"Then how about Vikings?" Mathias suggested again.

Now it was Gilbert's turn to roll his eyes. "I don't have enough money for that, you unawesome Northerner."

Mathias pouted and remained quiet.

"Ooh, ooh, I know!" Alfred raised a hand in the air excitedly, his eyes twinkling like Elizabeta's. "How about we eat at a Japanese restaurant?"

Sakura suddenly perked up and pivoted her head sharply to look at Alfred. A Japanese restaurant? Hang on...was he doing this for her? It seemed unlikely, yet it also seemed obvious...gah! Make up your damn mind, Sakura!

"That might not be a bad idea," Mathias said as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully, still clicking the pen in his hand. Then he grinned. "I like that!"

"Dress up, gentleman! We're going out!" and with those words, Gilbert ran towards the stairs leading to the basement, his little chick Gilbird tailing along beside him.

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