Chapter 7: A Cup of Coffee

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Hey everyone! How'd you like this trashy fanfic so far? :D

Ugh I'm so dead


The next day after the rain, Sakura got a terrible (as Mathias says, but that's probably not true) case of the flu after the event of visiting Matthew with only one umbrella. And she and Alfred shared the umbrella. Japanese people had different beliefs when it came to...certain matters...

The door creaked open and Alfred, Arthur, and Elizabeta peeked from the doorway. Sakura shivered in her blankets and coughed once, a cool cloth placed on her forehead earlier by Elizabeta. "Huh?"

"Oh, Sakura, I'm so worried about you," Elizabeta looked at her, her green eyes evidently filled with concern. "Hope you'll get better soon so we can fangirl over our favorite ships..."

Arthur glared at Alfred, who only shrugged sheepishly. The Brit spoke a few low, inaudible words to Alfred and looked at Sakura on the bed worryingly. "Get better, lass," was all he told Sakura before he walked away. Alfred sat on the floor next to Sakura's bed and brought out his cellphone.

"Alfie, dear, are you not going to tell the poor guy to feel better?" Elizabeta flashed the American a sideways smile. She called Sakura "a poor guy" the way one might call a politician a "successful individual in society."

Sakura sank further beneath the sheets and curled her body, creating a ball as small as she could be. Just before sleep got to her, Alfred pulled back the sheets and placed his cellphone beside Sakura. Kiku's eyes widened at the music playing from Alfred's phone. Counting Stars. Again?

"And I-I-I-I...
Feel something so wrong
Just doing the right thing."

Somehow, as annoyed and embarrassed Sakura could be, she found herself tapping her fingers on the bed's foam to the beat of the music. Ugh, the beneficial perks of being Japanese. It was taking a toll on her.

"I'll just leave my phone there, okay?" Alfred backed away slowly towards the bedroom door. "Anyways, there's coffee, water, and a few Biogesic pills - courtesy of Maria - on the bedside table. Just drink if you feel like it." By now, Sakura was slowly giving in to sleep. It was as if the music was present in her soul, telling her to sleep with the familiar verses.

"Baby, I've been, I've been losing sleep
Dreaming about the things that we could be
Baby, I've been, I've been praying hard
So no more counting dollars..."

"She's really sick, isn't she?" Sakura heard Elizabeta tell Alfred. She could feel her green, emotion-filled eyes look down at her nearly-sleeping figure. "He'll get better soon. I know it." And with those words, the Hungarian walked away, leaving Alfred alone with a sick Japanese girl to care for in the room. Alfred laughed bitterly to himself.

"And so she says," Alfred rolled his eyes before removing his cool cloth and - now this, Sakura might have imagined, given she was half asleep at this time - placing a short kiss on the Japanese person's forehead. "Sweet dreams, Sakura." Alfred put the cool cloth back.

"We'll be counting stars..."

And as the last lyrics of the song's chorus ended, Alfred left the room.


"What took you so long?" Elizabeta, being the motherly figure that she was, narrowed her eyes suspiciously, her hands on her hips. Alfred swore under his breath. He forgot about Elizabeta "investigating" him and Sakura. Before his face showed any flustered emotion, he laughed nonchalantly and shook his head.

"Nothing much, just told her about the coffee, the song," oh God, the song...he thought, "and told her to 'get better soon.' Nothing special really," Alfred replied, to his dismay to see that Elizabeta did not buy a single word Alfred said. Of course, Alfred left out the quick, stolen kiss, since that would drive Elizabeta crazy.

Counting Stars - (Straight!AmeriPan)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora