3 ~ dan

103 4 0

Tyler took a breath, "I think you might have to date a boy," he said cautiously.

"Preposterous!" I yelled, slamming my hand on the dark wooden desk infront of me.

"Howell, hear me out. Pete's already on your case," he said, taking his phone out and showing me the most recent Pete Wentz interview.

Sure enough, they were talking about me.

"I think it's absolutely disgusting to be against the lgbt community in 2018, i most certainly won't sell Wentz inc. to this scandalous ma-"

Tyler stopped the video. "Trust me Howell, you don't want to hear the rest."

I felt my stomach sink. I had to fix this.

"Howell, do you take my offer?" Tyler pondered.

"Fine." I sighed angrily, wanting to sink into the earth below my feet.

"I'll get Dallon to find a man for you, Howell." He winked

This wasn't going to end well.


I wrote this on my school bus wow.
Words: 158

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