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Plane lands,hand in hand we walk together towards the car , with a beautiful view out there we enjoy our lunch,Playing with the snow is the most exciting thing!I made it more dramatic by playing a bollywood song and dancing with the love of my life on the beats , we had the most adventurous time together, clicked some ,wait!some?Noway,!I clicked a lot of pictures as it becomes memorable to cherish for lifetime! Minus degrees temperature ,snowfall ,romantic weather ,and an amazing husband!what more could one ask for? We had a romantic and a very adventurous time! Walking together in the lovely weather enjoying the hot chocolate volcano cake we move on towards the resort we've booked ,we get ready and go out for the dinner ,we search for an open place ambience and then have the dinnner with the beautiful view out there thanking God for letting us experience this ..
"Alarm clock rings " I get up and realise this was a dream!!

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