Breaking up and making up

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Opening up is not a difficult thing to do when it comes to opening up to your loved one. But to be frank I struggled a lot in telling my partner my true feelings regarding this story.

It has been a fear that is inside me, that we should not bring up any of our not-so-good or very bad incidents that happened before us cause it's sensitive to me. This has been something that we never talked about ever since we got back together, which was 11 years ago.

When we knew that we will be interviewed about our relationship, Toru did asked me about telling this story in front of the viewers, because that's one of the significant events in our relationship that made us learnt so much and grew so much as a couple. We did spoke to each other about this and I did told him I was afraid about the things that will happen to us if we disclose this story. He told me not to worry about that so much. And before the interview I did requested to let Toru sit beside me while we talk about this, cause it makes me feel more secure and comfortable talking about this with him by my side.


Taka did told me that he was unwilling to tell this story in front of the camera. But I encouraged him and told him we'll do this together. I understand the way he feels because sometimes it's hard to show the scars in your relationship; though at the same time you have to face them cause that's what makes our relationship even stronger than ever. I can foresee this breakup, 11 years ago, to be a permanent one if some events in our life did not happen.


Shall we begin now, baby?


Yeah okay.


You start.


Just as many fans would want to know, I did caused a scandal with a girl back in 2014 when we were touring Europe. I knew her in one of the parties I went, she was only 14 back then. We went drinking with a few of her friends one night, I believe we both got a bit tipsy but at the same time she started being affectionate towards me. She started touching me, clinging on me, holding my hand and even took pictures of it. I have to admit I was not that uncomfortable towards it compared to other girls doing what she did towards me. I guess it showed in my facial expression then the drama happened...

I actually believed that she liked me at that time, which explains why she was being affectionate towards me. She was trying to flirt with me. I didn't 'like' her back then, I treat her as a friend, but in particular I didn't hate her as well. It was confusing.


Well she is pretty as well, I won't be surprised if Toru fell for her.

I didn't fall for her, never once, but I was confused. Cause at the same time my relationship with Taka was stormy. That was a year since we officially started dating, and as you know, there are always times where couples fall out of love towards each other, and I believe that was the time where we both grew out of our relationship. Taka's mood swings were bad, his temper got so much worse; he pisses off at small matters. While at the same time I seemed to not give Taka as much company as I did when we just started, partly because of his temper I realized that I was the one tolerating him all the time and I was really tired.

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