Dusty and Skipper Humanized-Nightmare Bonding

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    Two months had passed ever since the former racing champion Ripslinger kidnapped Dusty Crophopper and abused him terribly in order to get him to give up racing. Dusty's father, Skipper Riley, and his best friend, El Chupacabra, had worked together to get him out of the hangar where he was being held captive. He was badly injured when they finally found him and they both had to comfort their small companion at one point. Although sometime had passed and everyone had eventually forgotten about it, the incident was still fresh in Dusty's mind. No matter how hard he tried to forget it, it was no use. The images were still fresh in his mind in the daytime. But the nighttime proved to be the worse as they formed into terrible, frightening, and unforgettable nightmares that he just never wanted to live with, let alone even remember them. As he lay in bed one particular night, he had one of those dreams...

    He found himself in the hangar where he was held captive. Blue eyes, wet and red with a lot of crying and begging for help, looked around in fear. Strong ropes were bound to his arms and legs with no hope of escaping, and he felt tired and weary. Just then, the door opened, brining with it a bright light that nearly blinded the young man. "Well, well, well. Look at what I finally have here after a long time," said a creepy-sounding voice.

    Letting his eyes adjust to the light, Dusty could clearly see Ripslinger advancing towards him. The first thing he noticed was that Ripslinger was, oddly enough, scratched a bunch in the face and had a few bruises and deep gashes on his body. "What happened to you?" Dusty asked bitterly with a hint of sarcasm. "It looked like you fell off a clift 8 times, then to top it all off, reamed your head into the wall a few times."

    Ripslinger chuckled evilly, ignoring Dusty's sentence. "I know, but it looked like he wasn't too much trouble to get rid of," he said.

    Dusty's eyes widened. "Wait...what?" he asked, his voice close to breaking.

    Letting out an evil chuckle, Ripslinger stepped to the side, showing Skipper... but he was hardly himself anymore. He had so many cuts and gashes, Dusty couldn't count them. But what made it more sad was the fact that the war veteran's heart was hardly beating. "N-no..." he whispered in a heartbreaking tone.

    "So, Cropflopper," Ripslinger said as he raised his knife. "Any last words?"

    All Dusty could do was close his eyes before the killing blow struck...

    Blue eyes shot open with shock as Dusty woke up with a gasp. After a few deep breaths, he was okay, but he didn't go back to sleep for the rest of the night. He was badly frightened.
    The next day, Skipper was waiting as Dusty came downstairs. As soon as he saw him, the war veteran was instantly worried. "You okay, son?" he asked.

    Not wanting to tell his father what happened, Dusty said, "I, uh, I'm fine. Just a little tired, that's all."

    Skipper eyed him suspiously before shrugging. "Alright then, let's go. We've got some training to do."

    Dusty nodded and headed outside with his father. He felt bad for lying to him, but at the same time he wasn't quite ready to tell him about his nightmare; it still had him shook up a little-no, correct that-a LOT. And I literally mean A LOT.
    As weeks wore on, Dusty continued to have nightmares on either Skipper and El Chu getting killed trying to save him or Dusty himself getting killed before help even arrived. As a result, he didn't sleep at all during the night, afraid that the nightmares would come back to him the moment his eyes would even close. But he still didn't tell his father, and as a result grew more and more tired during the daytime-not to mention that he was now getting more scared, nervous, and especially-and I seroiusly mean ESPECIALLY-withdrawn from everyone else. In fact, at one point in the night, he woke up from a very scary nightmare that caused him not to lay down until morning. For that, he ended up being late for practice.

Dusty and Skipper Humanized-Nightmare BondingWhere stories live. Discover now