Eventful Day

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  Third Person 

  After a few weeks the pills started to take a toll on Darling. She started to experience pains and even more nausea then before. Chase took weeks off to stay home and keep her as comfortable as possible.  

  Three Months Later

  One Saturday morning Chase woke up early and looked over to see that Darling wasn't there. Suddenly panicking he heard her voice from the kitchen. He slowly got out of bed and made his way downstairs yawning. 

  "Yeah... ok we'll be out soon I promise.  Just take care off yourself....... Yes, of course have the doctors keep us updated, please." He heard her say into her phone. "Love you too Rae.... Bye."

  Chase turned the corner to see his pregnant wife leaning into the counter. He walked over and wrapped her in his arms. She jumped in surprise and turned to face him. "Hey, how are you feeling this morning?" Chase asked her.

  She sighed and then starting crying. She pushed herself as close as they could get and sobbed into his chest.  "Shh... it's ok. I'm here, whatever's happening we'll figure out." Chase whispered to her and slowly making their way to the couch.

 Once there he sat her on his lap and softly rubbed her back. She calmed after a few minutes and rubbed her hand over her extended stomach. "What's wrong Dar? What happened... Who was on the phone?" 

 "I'm fine, Rae called early this morning and told me Dex and Dar got in a car accident... Dar is awake and alert but Dex is in a medically induced coma." She explained snuggling into his chest and moving his hand onto her stomach. 

  "Are they gonna be ok? Do we need to go out and be with your family for a little while?" Chase asked rubbing her belly and leaning into her.

 "No... Raven said she'd keep us updated on whats going on. Plus I really don't wanna sit in a car for that long anyways. If the situation gets worse we'll go out there but for now we can just stay here." She said. 

  "Alright," Chase said kissing her cheek and beginning to stand. 

 "Where are you going?" Darling groaned pulling him back down. 

  "Well, I was going to go make you some breakfast but I'll stay here if you want me to," Chase said knowing she was hungry and wanted food.

  "No!" She said pushing him away. "Sorry, you know me. Please I'll help..." 

 "Oh no you won't. Lay back and I'll bring you something to eat. And speaking of which, what would you like?" Chase questioned standing back up and handing her the T.V remote.

  "French Toast sounds amazing right now." She said trying to reach for the blanket at her feet but failing to reach it due to her stomach. Chase grabbed it and gently laid it on her, kissing her toes afterwards.

  "French Toast it is then," He said walking toward the kitchen. He pulled out everything to make it and begins to make French Toast. After he made a plate he popped into the living room to find Darling fast asleep on the couch. 

  Quickly he placed the plate in the microwave and then made his way back to the couch. He knelt beside his wife and rubbed her stomach in an attempted to feel their baby inside her.  She groaned and began to move around. She began to toss and turn until Chase grabbed her hand, making her calm down.

  She slowly opened her eyes and looked at him.  "Chase..." She said rubbing her eyes and trying to sit up. 

  "You feeling alright?" He asked helping her and setting a few pillows behind her back. 

 "My shoulders hurt can you give them a rub please," She said wiggling around trying to get comfortable. Chase moved behind her and rubbed her shoulders making her groan and sink into the pillows.

   After a few minutes she asked him to stop and he knelt beside her. "You want breakfast? There's some French Toast in the microwave."

  She nodded smiling and gladly took her husbands offer to help her up. They made their way into the kitchen and grabbed their plates and sat down. 

  After a while Darling set down her fork and paled placing her hand on her stomach. Chase immediately noticed this and placed down his fork as well. "What's wrong?" He asked in concern. 

  "I'm fine... but I think the baby just moved..." She said looking down once again. 

"What!?" Chase said rushing to her side and pushing the chair out gently. Once there Darling took one of his hands and laid on top of be growing bump. After a few seconds he felt the tiny child move from within her and gasped. "Oh My Gosh!!!!" He said looking up at his now crying wife.   

 Once they finished eating, they moved over to the couch and watched a movie. They were both close to falling asleep when suddenly the phone began to ring. Chase got up and answered it. 

  C- Hello?

?- Hello is this the Redford household?

 C- Yes

 ?- I'm a nurse  from the Wilkins Hospital. Mrs. Charming asked us to call and give you an update on Mr. Dexter's condition. 

  C- Oh, of course is everything alright?

N- Yes everything's perfectly alright... but Mr. Charming does in fact need surgery.  His appendix burst due to the impact of the crash and we need to repair his broken ribs, we just thought we should let you know before we got through with the operation

 C-Ok thank you for the information, I will let her know.  

 He hung up the phone and sighed hoping Darling hadn't heard anything. 

 "Chase. Who was on the phone?" Darling said sitting up and rubbing her stomach. 

 "It was the hospital, Dexter has to have surgery," Chase said after making his way over to her and kneeling in front of her. 

  "Wait... Dex is having surgery? Why!?" 

 "He's alright Dar. His appendix burst during the accident and broke a few ribs. They just wanna go in and fix him up a bit more so he can heal a bit faster." Chase said as she slid down beside him. 

  She immediately started crying and leaned into him. He instinctively wrapped his arm around her and placed his other one on her stomach. They stayed that way for what seemed like hours. Chase began to notice the sun shining through the window and moved himself so they were leaning against the couch and hugging one another. 

  After about an hour and a half Darling lifted her head and Chase rubbed his thumbs over her cheeks. "You alright?" He asked truly concerned for his wife. I know pregnancy makes women emotional but an hour and a half is a long time. He thought to himself as she rubbed a hand over her stomach and look down.

  "I'm fine, the baby is freaking out though," She said.

   Chase sighed and placed his hand over hers. "The baby wants to make sure it's mother is ok and that your not in any danger or am hurting in any way..." He said feeling as her hand moved with the strained and nonstop movements of the child.  

   "Can we go visit Dex? I mean after everything's a bit more calmed down." Darling asked lifting her head to meet his gaze. 

  "Of course we can, and now would be the perfect time to tell them about the baby." Chase said. "I mean your family could use some good news right now and then maybe once we're back we can tell my family." 

  "I'd love that actually." She said leaning back into him and placing her head on his shoulder. 

  They stayed there for a while and the child calmed. After that Chase helped Darling onto the couch and they started one of their favorite movies The Fault In Our Star. Ordering Pizza and spending the day in one anothers arms is all they could ask for.     

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