Part 7-Jin (Oneshot- Jin x Reader) Pt.1

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Okay so I have a lot of pictures of Jin, since he is my bias, but ima write a one shot. Okee i'm done talking, anyways here it is. 

*Y/N's POV* 

I looked up from my desk smeared with pencil marks from the previous owners, and met the teachers glare.

"Sleeping again are we," He took the pause as a chance to push up his glasses  to the bridge of his nose, "Y/N." He finished the sentence with a deadly glare in my direction. Muffled laughter could be heard throughout the classroom, the populars snickered.

Why should I care? Why should I have a problem with them laughing at me? I didn't mind that I wasn't part of the social norm, wearing the shortest shorts, or a designer shirt. I was focused on my grades, and paying for necessities. Even though I never really  had friends because of it. I am an introvert and I won't deny it.

When I did have friends they always drained me. I don't understand it myself, I just heard it's an introvert thing. So I had a lot of free time. 

My home life somewhat affects who I am now, more like how many hours of sleep I can steal each night. Before I entered high school I was working at a coffee shop earning a normal amount of money.  This stayed the same, until my mom kept taking vacation. She usually worked the day shift, rarely working into the night. At first I didn't question it but she kept getting home later and later, each time reeking of alcohol. I just thought she was taking some time to get over dad leaving us, maybe just getting a drink or two, but I was sure wrong. 

One night while she was out, the landlord came to the apartment door, knocking harshly at midnight. He had given me a notice, that if we don't pay the rent we would be kicked out without hesitation. So I took it upon myself to pay for the rent, hopefully just one time then tell my  mom about the situation, but she didn't come home that night. That night I lied on my bed staring at the ceiling, that night I questioned my mother, that night I lost the close connection I had with her, that night, I cried. For some reason I felt hurt, but I needed to help her. She finally came home in the morning with a strange man. He was mostly polite, even though I had a bad feeling about the direction my mother was going. 

I decided I wouldn't say a word to my mother and handle the situation myself.  As soon as possible I took as many hours as I possibly could at the coffee shop, it was also the only place that would allow someone my age to work there. The longer I worked there the better pay I got, luckily the manager did give me the ungodly hours grateful for the work. My mom never got any better, she did work, just a little bit though. She believed that she payed the rent in full, clearly oblivious that I slipped a few hundreds in. That leads us up to now. 

"I'm sorry sir," My eyes traveled to the tiled floor. 

"That would be detention for you," He said smoothly. "I believe you've fallen asleep seven times in my class alone," I could feel his eyes boring a hole into my head. I could hear the class snicker into their hands. I took my time to meet the teachers slightly annoyed eyes, then nodded slowly.  After that I zoned through most of the class, the teacher didn't call on me whatsoever, I thought it was weird but didn't bother to say anything. The bell dragged me out of my thoughts, bringing me to the dreaded time of the day. 


I never had an assigned seat , I sorta just floated around the lunchroom. Every so often I would end up sitting by a popular. Of course they weren't the nicest. If I was lucky they would ignore me, but some days they would tease me, not the playful, I know you  so its cool kinda teasing, the, I don't like you so i'm going to say all the bad things about you, and make sure they're drilled into your brain. Sometimes slapping the food on my back. Most of the time I just endured it, when I couldn't I told myself, It's just twenty minutes, you can do it, just a little longer. 

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