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Alex's POV
"J'onn, we're getting a video call," I stated and everyone ran to the round table to watch. Everyone knowing it was about my sister. Supergirl. I hear Mon El's quick footsteps approach and his breathing was heavy. He was shaking. Fiddling with his fingers and running his hands through his hair. I smirk. He is still so in love with Kara.

The screen comes on and I focus my attention back to the table. Then, Imra starts talking. She took Kara. First, she took the love of my sister's life and now she's taking my sister. By this time, I was furious.

"DEO. I have Supergirl. I can and will kill her. I warned her. You all have 48 hours to find her before I kill her. Under one condition, Mon El can not interfere with Supergirl's kidnapping. If he steps foot near her, she dies." Imra declares and the screen turns to a photo of Kara in a pool of blood, slowly dying, painfully dying.

Everyone was quiet and then I hear Mon El collapse on the floor in loud, painful sobs.

He starts yelling, "No! No! She can't be dead! She can't die! Imra can't kill her! I need to find her!" I give him a hand up and hug him. I start crying, as well. We both love her so much. Even if Mon El doesn't realize that he still loves Kara, deep down, somewhere he loves her more than anyone in the world. We release from the hug and turn to J'onn.

"What do we do?" I ask him.

"We search the whole city and beyond. I need agents all over this damn country and bring our girl home, safely!" J'onn ordered and everyone moved, but Mon El.

Mon El's POV
"What is it, Mon El?" J'onn asked me.

"J'onn, I need to help."

"No, Mon El, you heard your wife, she will kill her and possibly you!"

"All due respect sir, I can't sit this one out. J'onn I can't lose her." My voice shaking.

"You did just fine for 7 years."

"That is NOT fair! You do not get to hold that against me. Something I had no freaking control over!"

"Mon El, you may not participate in this mission. That is an order. We will bring her home safely."

There's no way I'm letting them look for the women I love without me. I'm helping, even if I have to on my own, and alone. I will save Kara.

A Kryptonian and Daxamite's Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now