right next door

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The last bell rang I was happy to get home and sleep and talk to my brother to see how his day went and see my dad and- oh... well now I'm sad I start walking to go get on the bus not looking forward to the hour-long ride its ok just last until you get home then cry in the shower come on Tyler do it for Josh be strong I get to the grass area where all the kids go

"TY" somewhere it's yelling I turn I but nothing I turn back around and Blake standing in front of me suddenly scaring me
"F-f-fu~dging hell don't do that blake," I said outing my hand on my chests Fuck don't cuss out loud bad Tyler bad

He lifted an eyebrow "fudge?"
I narrowed my eyes into a glare but it was a weak as cardboard.  "Don't judge me, I don't cuss"
"Why" " because" "that's not an answer" "I don't care deal" in the truth it's because of my brother he used to make -mostly dad- us have a swear jug where Josh got all the money sometimes he gave it to mom for gas money

She'd always pay him back though so I guess it's out of habit but really it's because not cussing reminds me of mom she never cussed never the worse she said was when I broke my arm by jumping off the roof when I was 9 she said I was a frigging idiot but even though she never cussed she put up with my dad doing it unless it was in front of us

"Hello ty" I was zoned out I guess Blake had a face pulled I didn't quite understand he had a smirk but he looked sad but not for himself I don't know if that makes sense but he looks as though he best friends puppy died and he was feeling sad for them I don't know

"Sorry guess I zoned out" he smiled small. "No kidding"
I laughed slightly "what bus do you take" he sounds hopeful but it didn't sound genuine "bus 17 why" he smiled "no way I take that bus" he sounded fake animated almost trying to sound surprised but really Wasn't

maybe I'm just too suspicious today I'm sure it's fine otherwise he wouldn't have asked suddenly the rest of the gang was heard behind me I swear they weren't there before what the hell

"Hey ty ty"I turned around and saw Flynn holding out a hand I took it and we did that bro hug thing that's actually really awkward but people do it to look cool we stopped halfway he gave an 'I wish that didn't happen face' and I started bursting out laughing the other joined in seeing what happened

Blake came up behind me picking me up "what the- world do you think you're doing" he put me don't in front of him to see the buses line up "I can turn around you know or you could've just told me" he shrugged

I turned around again with everyone having confused faces
"what" Ben Asked the question
"world? is that the new hell" I looked at Blake "he doesn't cuss"
"Why the Fuck not," Sam said I groaned making a point not to ask
"Can't a guy just not cuss because that's the weirdest thing you've ever hear of" Fuck off will you

They all smirk slightly the whip it off there face quickly it happened so quickly that it could have just been my imagination

All the bus doors open for the students Blake grabs my arm "ty bus" I nod "wait" Flynn says "give me your phone Ty ty I want to add you to our group chat" I take out my phone I hand it to him "ok here" he quickly goes through it and hands it bake to me "I put all of our numbers in the group so if you need anything just text us" I nod

"Ty we need to go," Blake says as he pulls us to our bus I look at the bus driver he's not going to let me sit next to my brother is she Damn I look at the seat my brothers sitting in he's looking at me got I wish I could distract her

Suddenly Blake starts talking to her yes I quickly walk over to him while Blake's talking to her I duck down and sit next to him "hey are you ok? did anything happen? No one gave you a hard time did they?" He smiles "it went great" it feels off somethings wrong



she rolls his eyes and sighs he smirks wow I could have never stepped up to her guess family privilege means a lot it the prospect


"Bu-" she glares daring me to speak I turn to look at Josh I look guilty I know I do he laughs A bit and I'm confused

"You know what mom used to say that I never understood, maturity is always in silence now I know what she meant" I laugh "we'll talk at home okay" he smiles "ok"

I get up and walk to the back I was about to pass a seat but someone pulled me in it I was about to yell until I realized it was Blake he hugged me wh-

"So your part of the Ackermans accident I'm so sorry" I paled much of an accident only killed one person everyone else was ok we just suffer from trauma every once and a while. my brother is worse he has panic attacks I'm fine I take sleeping pills for my nightmares but there's nothing to help him

I look Blake in the face and keep my voice low "Don't tell anyone about this got it if you do I'll never forgive you do you understand" he nods and pulls me into his chest I hug he back just lying there for a few minutes "TY" I jump Josh I get up fast a look a Josh  I breath a bit when I see he's ok calm down I just wanted to tell you to tell me everything when we get home ok he signed to me our cousin's deaf and we picked up a little made up our own so no one really know what we were talking about ok I also need to to talk to you about something important I signed back I know it's a bit soon but my mom told me a few days before see died that she wanted me to tell Josh I'm gay I didn't tell anyone besides my mom and of course she loved me and supported me but she doesn't want any secrets between me and Josh

"If something ever did happen to me I know your dad would just work more so I want you to take good care of little Josh I want you to trust each other and become closer so I know I said you can come out on your own time but if I did die come out to him he'll love you I don't want secrets between you two ok tybear"

"I will mom but try to stay alive ok you've got at least 10 more years in you"

"Wha- how old do you think-"it fades out I'm in Blake's arms again my phone Buzzes

Flynns the coolest:
You guys ride the same bus?

I put it back I'm my pocket I look at him "wait I never go to ask where do you live" he smiles and let's go he grabs his stuff "actually I'm right up here" I look out the Window shit I stand and grab my stuff

"BLAKE, TYLER, JOSH GET OFF MY DAMN BUS" he turns to look at me with a smile and sparkling eyes he turns to leave and I follow him stopping to grab Josh by the arm when we got off he turned to look at us "so your the people next to us I thought that house was abandoned or a vacation house you guys are so quiet" I laugh

"yeah were known to be peaceful" he raised his eyebrow "what happened to you guys on last Tuesday" shit that's when I forgot to take my sleeping pill he can't be talking about the screams can he"the lights were on later" thank Fuck
"I couldn't sleep" he nodded
"Well if you need anything I'm here for you and right next door" he turns and leaves before I could say something I grabbed Josh a walked to the house


Hey I'm tired and sick so I tried





Love you guys

Rawr >~<

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