A Fresh Start

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Hello everyone! I had to start a new story, because it's kind of hard working from a loaner computer. I'll update as soon as I can on my other stories, but for now, this will have to do. After all, I need to blow off a little steam, LOL!

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I'm sorry to leave you this way, Bella. Please believe that I never wanted to hurt you, but I don't love you anymore. You're too much of a distraction to me and we'd both be better off without the other.


I had read those words so many times that they were etched in my mind, and I'd only received the letter seven days ago. Ever since then, I'd been hiding in the closed up house where the Cullen's had once lived. In no time, they had vanished. They left everything, and just picked up and left, leaving me here, defenseless, against my will.

And he couldn't say it to my freaking face!

A note? I thought I deserved better than that, but I guess he really didn't love me. He was just waiting for an excuse to leave me.

And my 18th Birthday party gave him just the right excuse. Jasper lunging for me while I bled, feeling the blood-lust from everyone else in the room. Hell, I'd be hurling myself towards a human if I was him, too, with six other thirsty vampires around. I knew just how he felt.

I, too, was now thirsty!

The night before my Birthday, Edward had snuck into my room and carried me out, where we made love in our meadow. Candles were lit all around...it was absolutely perfect. Underneath the stars...all my worries just melted with him as our bodies connected, sending me into a world that I had never known before, yet loved every second of it.

Apparently, the love was one-sided, and now I'd been screwed over...twice!

I was pregnant with his child, and I was hiding out, because it wasn't a normal pregnancy, and I had no idea what to do. Only ten days ago, we had made love and now, I look around five months pregnant. In a little over a week, I would deliver...possibly die, because I had no idea who to turn to.

They had thought this whole thing through, I'll give them that. I wondered if they, the Cullen's, hadn't planned this all along.

Every number I tried, disconnected. Every email, return to sender. Even their cousins, the Denali's who lived in Alaska, never answered the phone. It was as if they called everyone they knew and told them to ignore me, like I was some creep or something.

But he was the creep. 109 years old, and he knocked up a human teenager and just left her to die. I often wondered if this was some kind of test on their part, as I had been their pet.

I heard a loud bang outside, and crawled toward the nearest closet, shutting myself in while using my new found abilities.

I had found out, in recent days, with nothing to do at that time but eat, sleep, watch TV and read, that I was what the vampire world called a shield, which was apparently why Edward couldn't read my mind. As my baby grew, he or she was beginning to change me into one of them, and I was now able to push my shield out, to hide myself, and my unborn child, to any outsiders, which this time was a good thing, for the lock on the door was picked, and in walked two vampires who, I knew, if they could sense me, would kill me right now.

Laurent and Victoria.


Lame start, I know, but wasn't the ending kind of a shocker? Don't worry, it'll get better ;-)

Thanks for reading, and please comment!!

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