Scene 4: In the hall

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Sanae took notice of the three leaving the classroom but ignored it afterwards, instead opting to doodle slowly.

What she called "doodling", others would have called it impressive. While not a expert, the girl was startlingly good at drawing just about anything, often times people, animals or whatever she felt like drawing.

Arms were something she still struggles with, trying to make them so curvy, and it took a while to feel satisfied over eyes.

She growls a bit in frustration at the eyes of a large fox with four tails, erasing them before leaning back to think.

Drawing has been one of her favorite pass times, often it being a great time waster and found it comforting for the most part. Plus, she absolutely loved to share her masterworks, if anybody gave her the time of day to look.

Ayume sat there twiddling her thumbs. She was now alone again and sighed deeply to herself. Had she messed up? Was she to forward with them? Probably she thought to her self fighting back her weak tears.

Her purple hair draped over her gloomy face. Why was I so pathetic? She thought as she squeezed her hands tightly into a fist causing her nails to pierce her skin drawing blood.

As her hands relaxed she stared heavily at the blood now trickling from her palms with shakey hands. Ayume quickly stood up letting her arms sink to her sides and the blood to drop ever so slightly to the floor.

With that Ayume quickly left the room leaving small stains on the sliding doors and the floor tiles.

Sanae notices this immediately, her head having been lifted in thought and looking at Ayume at the time. It took her several moments for her to make a decision before standing up.

She tenses up again, her mind coming up with many conclusions, realistic or not. This forced her to stay in place for a while, some the students still there looking at her oddly but ignored her otherwise.

How she hated that.

She gritted her teeth at their attention spans, how-

She shakes her head of any thoughts that would've followed afterwards and rather let her mind speak again, she stomps out of the classroom, taking deep breaths before looking around for the mute.

When she spots her walking away, she follows after her and trails behind as her mind catches up to her again. Once more, her expression was tense and almost angry, but she tried her best to wipe it off of her face.

"Hey..." Her call was drowned out by some idiot knocking over a trash can, being himself down as a friend of his laughs good-naturedly at him

"Hey..." Sanae tries again, the goof's...well goof, letting her forget her hesitation.

Ayume quickly walks still staring down at her blood ridden hands. Every noise to her made her walk just a little faster, desperate to find a bathroom to wash her hands.

Eyes sized her as she nearly ran to the sign that almost seemed like heaven to her.  Ayume swung open the bathroom door looking at all the girls fixing their makeup using up all the counter space.

Blood continued to drip to the floor as her hands shook from anxiety. She wanted to ask someone to move so she could wash her hands but with her lack of voice that was not possible. Blood rushed through her ears making them ring with a high pitched tone. Please just move, Ayume begged within her own head as her heart raced faster. I need to clean up my mess! The thoughts nearly drowned from sound of her thudding heart.

Ayume couldn't stand anymore, her week legs gave out as her eyes burrowed into the floor. Her hair covering her face as her dry lips opened for a silent scream to fall of deaf ears just to hear foot steps going past her.

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