Chapter 82

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"That's such a good look," Zelina said proudly, looking at Seth as he stepped off the tour bus with the Universal Championship over his shoulder.

Seth had won the red belt for the first time the previous night at Wrestlemania, in the penultimate match on the card. When he had walked back through the curtain with the belt, Zelina had been reduced to tears of pride and joy at what her man had achieved. The scene had been reminiscent of her Women's Championship victory at Summerslam, when it had been Seth waiting to be the first to congratulate her.

"It would look better on me," Cesaro joked, emerging from the bus behind Seth.

"Not a chance," Zelina insisted. "You might have it one day, but it'll never look that good on you."

"The girl talks a lot of sense," Seth said, leaning down to give her a light kiss on the lips.

"I think you should wrestle each other for it," Becky said, next off the bus. "Imagine that, with Zel caught in the middle. Pretty much everyone knows she's with Seth now, so the question would be where her loyalties would lie."

"I love that," Bayley said. She had been the first to get off the bus, followed by Elena. "Zel, you should pitch that to Lucy."

Zelina laughed, finding the idea amusing.

"I'm serious," Bayley said. "You should pitch it to her. It's a really good idea."

"Apart from one thing," Seth said, pointing at the Intercontinental Championship that Cesaro was carrying. "He has that, so he's obviously not going to feud with me any time soon."

"Even so, it's a good idea to pitch for the future," Bayley persisted.

"Maybe I'll mention it next time I speak to Hunter or something," Zelina said.

With that, Seth and Zelina took their cases and headed into the building, leaving Bayley and Elena to say their goodbyes and Cesaro and Becky trailing along behind, chatting away to each other.

"They seem to be getting quite close lately," Zelina observed quietly.

"What?" Seth asked.

"Becks and Cesaro. They're getting quite close to each other. Don't tell me you've not noticed?"

He grinned. "I've not noticed."

"Why am I not surprised?" Zelina said with a giggle. "Between you and me, I think something might be going on between them. I saw them looking quite cosy at one point at the after party last night."

"You didn't say anything," Seth said, raising his eyebrows a little.

"Uh, yes I did. You were just too drunk to remember."

Seth laughed. "Okay, you got me. But Becks and Cesaro? I just wouldn't see them as a couple."

"Maybe not, but good luck to them if they make each other happy. You can see how it would happen between them, with you and I together on the bus and Daga and Bay. It often ends up with Becks and Cesaro left talking to each other."

"I guess so," Seth shrugged as they approached the women's locker room. "Whatever the deal is, we can't speak to them about it until they choose to say something. Remember what it was like for us when we first got together, worrying about what people might say or think all the time."

"Oh, I know," she assured him. "I wasn't going to say anything to either of them or start asking questions. I was just telling you I think there's something going on there."

"Alright. Well, this is where I leave you," he said before leaning doing for another kiss. "Love you, muñeca."

"Love you too, baby."

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