Chapter 18 *REVISED*

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Sierra and I had begun a database of names I was receiving somehow: Autobot names, Darkfire Being names, Decepticon names, Neutral names, and human names starting with a Nicholas Fury also popped up.

Add that to my newly discovered lightning-flame-water-ice-earth-metal-sand-air-other-thing powers, I was some freakish Avatar-techno-organic. And let us not forget my super trusty sidekicks Sierra, Aria, and Spider.

My head was throbbing regularly now, and only strong doses of morphine could ward it off for hours.

The powers thing? Oh, apparently it will only come out when I'm in a terrible situation.

The situation in Australia was when a Decepticon by the name of Scorponok tried to kill me and a new Autobot named Arcee. Arcee was actually pretty nice for a femme Autobot.

The sand had erupted around me, and if Scorponok hadn't been scared off by the look I gave him, I'm sure the arrival of Bumblebee did it for them.

Several similar situations had happened, and right now I was trying NOT to get killed here in Shanghai.

"Woah," Epps said. He looked at Spider and I and said, "Get out of here, crazy!"

I gave him a look that made the dark-skinned male pale. It was visible even from here.

Seriously, I was a civilian, relatively untrained in combat except for the 'minor' scrapheaps I've been getting into for the past two years...ever since Mission City...ever since I was five, actually.

All I wanted was a bloody day of wicked, awesome, fighting.

Well...maybe not awesome...

Anyway. When the idiot came up, I started singing, making everything pause for a minute.

"And I said





I sang/yelled. I opened fire, as did little Spider.

The Decepticon picked me up and I laughed.

Yep, I was becoming SERIOUSLY unhinged.

The Decepticon then roared and decided to fling me like a rag doll away from him, onto the ground, where I laid, my pain receiving nerves a little damaged.

I saw a silver car and said, "Hey, Sideways. You do know that Sideswipe will be coming to kill you soon?"

The Decepticon transformed.

"So you are the femme Soundwave doesn't want injured."

"Aw. I'm touched. But really, kill me or leave me alone, do whatever."

Despite my flippant attitude, I was starting to feel my body.

Not good when you fell from almost 1000 feet. Could have been lower. Could have been higher.

I simply looked away from him. "Either spare me or kill me...just do it!" I yelled.

But Sideways only transformed and sped away.

Tears formed in my eyes.

'Please, Primus, don't hate me.'


I really needed to stop waking up in a hospital.

It was getting annoying.

"Hey," I said. Ratchet jumped. Then he sighed.

"She's awake, Optimus."

Optimus was in truck mode. His door opened.

I got up and said, "Thanks, Ratchet. I do appreciate it."

He nodded...then gave me a bag of Skittles.

Taste the rainbow!

I giggled.

We headed out to the meeting, me seriously either out of it, or literally insane.


Cross sat on Optimus' shoulder, munching on Skittles. She saw...him..."Galloway," she sang. Nobody but Optimus heard her.

"Excuse me!" Said human mech-er, male, Optimus corrected himself, called.

"Theodore Galloway, newly appointed liaison," Lennox said, major annoyance in his voice.

"Well, I guess I didn't get that memo," Morshower smirked at his men.

He heard a high giggle and a yell of, "Rainbow, Uncle!" He suddenly felt ill when he realized SHE was there. "Major Lennox, is Cross with you?"

"On Optimus'...shoulder cap. Left shoulder cap, sir." They had all been using CYBERTRONIAN lingo to make the Autobts feel welcome.

There, at NEST base (NEST stood for Non-biological Extra-terrestrial Species Treaty) a few hundred men stood between the if that needed explaining.

Oh! And a few women, as well. If Cross were...well, if she were completely sane, she'd yell at him for not thinking of women.

Anyway...Morshower sighed. "Very well, continue."

And they did.

They spoke about stuff that was purely between Galloway and Optimus...but suddenly Optimus agreed when Galloway basically asked them to leave.

"Freedom is your right," he said. "If you make that request, we will honor it."

"They're hunting YOU!" Galloway accused.

A not-so-same laugh interrupted them.

"No, no, no~" Cross said in a sing-song tone. "Megatronus wants the last Prime dead. Fallen wants the last Prime dead. Megatron wants Optimus' helm on a decorated platter. Put them together-and BOOM! The Fallen Megatronus wants Megatron to get his revenge so he can find the WEAPON!"

Stunned silence reverberated around the room.

"But said weapon is buried...buried deep beneath the Last Primes...including hers! Chromefire!!!!" She laughed, making everyone stare at her.

She looked at Spider.

"But..." She pouted like she was going to cry, "only the one with the knowledge to find it, like me or Sammy boy, is lalalalalalalala!" She snickered to herself.

"Is she..." Galloway couldn't fid the words.

"Oh, this is normal, sir," Lennox said. "We always keep crazy chicks here. It gives us soldiers a refreshing sense of reality."

Sarcasm dripped from his mouth, but Galloway probably didn't know what sarcasm was.



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