Chapter One

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(Y/N)=Your Name

(F/C)= Fur Color

(E/C)= Eye Color

(B/N)=Brothers Name (yes I'm making you have bros :P)

(S/N)=Sisters Names (and sisters)

P.O.V=Point Of View

T.P.=Third Person

F.P.=First Person

(Your P.O.V (T.P.))

You swallow the last of your vole, still feeling famished but didn't feel like taking another piece of prey. You see a broad tabby tom sit down next to you. He dropped the squirrel that he had in his mouth. He looked at you and smiled. "Hello, (Y/N)." You smile back. "Hello, Tigerclaw." You kept your eye on his plump squirrel. He noticed this and twitched his whiskers in amusement. "You hungry?" You turn back to him and shake your head. He rolled his eyes. "I know you are. You always did have a big appetite." He nudged you the squirrel. "Are you sure?" He sighed. "Yes!" You flinched a little at the tone of his voice. He looked at you. "Fine. If you don't want it then we'll just wait until someone else gets it." You snorted. Tigerclaw chuckled, amusement glittering in his amber eyes. "Oh come on, (Y/N), you're not that upset are you?" You shake your head.

Tigerclaw got up and walked away, brushing his tail against your own as he did. You flinched a little. Your fur stood on its end. You hear your sister, (S/N) call you over and pad over to him. "What's up?" She smiled. "We're going on a patrol. Tigerclaw told me he's going to lead it." The thought of Tigerclaw made you sigh happily. (S/N) looked at you oddly but said nothing. You trotted to the group of cats with (S/N). "About time. Let's go." Tigerclaw said. You followed the group of cats into the forest.


(Tigerclaw's P.O.V. F.P))

I padded back to camp with the patrol. I saw Mousefur talking with (Y/N). What did I feel? Anger? Defensive of (Y/N)? No...I was feeling jealousy. I shook my head. There was no way I could feel jealous. Especially because Mousefur was with (Y/N). When we got to camp, I walked over to (Y/N). He was grooming himself by the warriors' den. I sat down next to him, giving him half of a smile. He kept grooming his (F/C) pelt. I sighed. I lightly gave him a nudge, making him lose his balance a little.

He growled a little. "Oh, you're fine!" I say, chuckling a bit. He rolled his (E/C) eyes. "You go rest, grumpy." He snorted. "I'll rest went I want to.." I flicked my tail. "I'm the deputy. So do as I say." He blinked. "Just cuz you're deputy doesn't mean you get to boss me around." I chuckled. "Whatever." I shifted closer to him until our fur touched. He flinched a little before settling down.

"I saw you talking to Mousefur." He shrugged. He playfully nudged me. "It's not like she's gonna be my new best friend." I nodded, flattening my ears. "She's not going to be your mate right?" He blinked then giggled. "Yeah right. I got my eyes on someone else." I smiled. "Who?" He didn't respond. Fair enough...

(Your P.O.V. (T.P.))

You eventually padded into the warriors' den with Tigerclaw. You talked for a while before you let your eyes take in darkness.

You could feel the ThunderClan deputy curled up next to you.

He had done this before. It had become a habit of his since you two were apprentices. You opened one of your eyes, seeing Tigerclaw next to you. You eventually fell asleep fully with the tabby at your side.

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