Chapter Four

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Note: I'm skipping time to before he attacks Bluestar. I might miss some parts since I haven't read the books in a while. Plus, I'm too lazy to read them again. And I'm sick while writing this.

(Your P.O.V. (T.P.))

You were talking with Fireheart and Graystripe. Patrols, hunting, and whatnot. Course, you didn't really pay attention. The two were mostly talking with each other. You wanted to leave but every time you tried to, they would always just tell you to stay. Which you hated (Now if you love Fireheart/star and/or Graystripe...I'm sorry. I like Graystripe the most. You just hate both of them in this story). "So, (B/N) and (S/S) told us you like Ti-" You shot them a look, snarling. Your fur bristled. "I don't!" You hissed lowly, ears growing hot. But my littermates are so dead... You thought, claws unsheathing.

(Bla Bla Bla. Tiger attacks Blue and yea. I'm lazy. Please don't sue me)

"Fine!" Tigerclaw scanned the clearing. Your ears flattened. "(Y/N)..." All he said was your name. A glimmer of hope was in his eyes. You felt your heart pounding in your chest. You turned to your siblings. You looked back at Tigerclaw. "Please...?" you swallowed. You sighed. "I'll go," Tigerclaw smiled. "But-" You went on. You turned to your littermates. "Will you guys come?" They looked at each other, then at you. Silence. Followed by more silence. (S/N) spoke first. "I'm not leaving ThunderClan with some traitor!" She hissed. You sighed, nodding. (B/N) narrowed his eyes. "I'm with (S/N). You're only leaving because you're so loyal to him!" He turned away from you.

"Fair enough..." You said. You walked over to Tigerclaw. Pity was in his eyes. "C'mon..." He whispered. You two sped off. Tigerclaw looked at you once you two started to walk. "Some littermates they are..." You sighed. He gave you a light nuzzle. You smiled at him. "It's fine..." You told him. He leaped on a rock and flicked his tail. You jumped up with him. "Come on. I want to be out of ThunderClan territory." You nodded and followed him. "Quick question..." You looked at him. "Why did you go with me? I thought you loved it in ThunderClan." You stopped for a little. "Uh...because..." I do love ThunderClan but I love you more! You swallowed.
"'re my best friend!" You told him quickly. Tigerclaw nodded. "Alright." He meowed, a little bit of hope dying in his eyes.

(Tigerclaw's P.O.V. (F.P.))

Of course. I'm just a friend. What would've been the point of confessing? He'd think less of me! We kept on walking in silence. Soon it turned dark. We found an abandoned den. "I'll be in there in a bit." I told (Y/N). "Alright..." I watched the (F/C) figure disappear inside the den. I looked up at the sky. "Oh StarClan...I know I've betrayed you...but at least give me a chance to win (Y/N)'s heart..." I turned to look at the sleeping tom. I sighed deeply. "I love him more than anything else..." I stood up. "I love him more than power."

I turned to walk into the den we found. I crouched down next to (Y/N). I curled up next to him, wrapped my tail around him. me back one day...

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