Chapter Eight

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(Tigerstar's P.O.V. (F.P.))
I watched as (Y/N)'s sister, (S/N), talked to (Y/N). Something bad had happened. I know something happened. (Y/N)'s eyes turned from a stage of happiness to a stage of grief. (S/N) touched his nose before padding off with some of my warriors. I followed (Y/N) out into the forest, since he was heading that way. It pretty much made me a stalker but who cares? I just wanted to ask (Y/N) how he was. "(Y/N)?" The (F/C) tom turned to where I was. He flicked his tail for me to sit down next to him. I did and as soon as I was he leaned against me. SCORE! My chest was pretty much just hurting after that. "What's wrong?" He sighed. "(B/N)...he's dead..." Of course... "I...I'm so sorry, (Y/N)." He shook his head. "I don't need your happens." He gave me a warm look. "It's nice to see this side of you..."

(Time Skip)

(Your P.O.V. (T.P.))
You knew Tigerstar had changed a lot with you. Just not with TigerClan. For one, he made a lot more time for you. It was nice but it basically made everyone think that you two were mates. He was still a power hungry cat... now you had to deal with BloodClan? Great! Yeah Blackfoot knew you hated that Tigerstar was extra friendly with a cat named Scourge. A lot of jealousy. As of right now, you were with Tigerstar, of course. And it was Nighttime. "Nice night out huh?" He asked you, sitting on the pile of bones. You nodded. "Tigerstar?" He turned to look at you. "Yeah?" You looked back at the sky. "Are you sure it's wise to be working with BloodClan?" He shrugged. "They're sure to help us win the battle."
You blinked your (E/C) orbs. "Plus, I can't call off the've seen them." You nodded. "Why?" You shook your head. "Just asking." He nodded and got up. "Well...if you need me. I'll be sleeping. You coming?" He asked. You nodded and followed him. The two of you curled up next to each other. "Goodnight, (Y/N)." You buried yourself into his fur. "'Night, Tigerstar..." You waited until he was asleep to walk off. You knew someone was following you.  You growled. "Dang it, Blackfoot! I told I'm not- wait Clawface?" The brown tom smiled. "Awkward..." He laughed nervously. You let him go and narrowed your eyes. "What do you want?"
"Actually. I was only looking for you since Blackfoot-" The white tom appeared from a bush. "Needed you." He meowed before heading back. You groaned in annoyance. "Hey, be glad you didn't stay with Clawface!" He growled. "Who cares?" You frowned at him. "All I wanted to do was clear my mind." You mumbled, pretty annoyed. Blackfoot purred and rubbed himself against you. "Did you eat too much today?" You asked, moving away from him. "Nope." He purred. "I told you I'm not going to make Tigerstar jealous." He sighed and stopped. "Well that's stupid. I thought-" You growled.
"It's my life Blackfoot. Let me live it!" He rolled his eyes. "Then at least confess soon." He told you, walking back with you. You shook your head. "No thanks..." He winced. "Just let the ship set sail!" He begged, biting your tail. You hissed at him. "Shut up.." You kicked him away from your tail. "Oof..." You smiled and kept on walking. "No hard feelings, Blackfoot!" You saw Tigerstar still asleep, except he was on his back. You chuckled and licked his cheek. You laid down next to him. He turned over to his side. You smiled and rested your chin and one of your paws on his side.
You looked at him one more time before you let your eyes take in darkness. I love this tom...

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