Chapter 1- An alien invasion

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Authors note: this is my very first time posting a story here on Wattpad and I am sure it will be jam packed full of grammar errors and face palming mistakes. I wanted to say thanks right away for you giving me a go!

It is headed right towards us, the alien craft, silent except for a slight droning hum.

Ever so slowly it approaches us, looming vast and sinister. There is a cloudy grey vapor streaming away from the hull, from it entering our atmosphere, and I can smell the steam and the fuel, and the fear from the people huddled right next to me.

    The air around me is crisp and cool and I tug my dressing gown tighter, hugging my arms across my chest. I feel a hand squeezing my shoulder and look quickly towards my parents beside me. Dad gives me a quick, encouraging, look before turning his gaze back to the evening sky. My mother doesn't look my way, but increases the pressure of her arm around my neck as she pulls me even closer to her. Little Emily is hugging my leg as she sits on the ground below me, slack jawed, a trickle of drool making its way the short distance from her bottom lip to the grass below as she too gawks at the sky.

    The spaceship's body throws an immense shadow, blocking out the setting sun and making everything menacing and gloomy. By the time it is directly overhead we are left standing on our lawn in the dark, staring into the sky, dressed in our pajamas.

    There is absolutely nothing else moving around us, nothing to make a sound. No birds singing or cars driving down the street, no dogs barking, and certainly no other people in sight.

    Around twenty meters above our heads the ship finally comes to a stop. With one last whir of machinery, a clank of metal and a large puff of silver mist, the engines all go quiet and for a moment, all I can hear is the soft breathing of my mother and father.

    An immensely brilliant light glares to life abruptly, burning bright and directed at the ground below, a spotlight on my family and our front lawn.

Startled and blind I hear a new soft drone as the ship begins lowering to the ground. Gently and unhurried, the ship approaches. Lower and lower it comes, revolving ever so slowly. Closer and closer it nears until I am able to see the alien text deeply engraved into the hull.

Bright, evenly spaced, reddish lights blink like heartbeats around the edges of the ship and impossibly thin, stalk like legs begin opening like petals, unfolding in three sections until they are all pointed towards the ground.

    There is a sharp, drawn out hiss before the whirring of the engines stops, and the blinking lights go dull as the spaceship's three 'feet' gently touch the ground. The dazzling spotlight shuts off, leaving us in the dull dreariness of the early evening.

    My mouth is gapping and my eyes are wide as I see a small portion of the spaceship's hull begin to glow and slide upwards smoothly. Arrow shaped and etched in alien script, it disappears into the hull above as a substantial amount of fog-like mist pours out from the new doorway. A soft light shines from the ships interior, highlighting the fog as it rolls and dances gently in the breeze. A slender silver ramp begins unrolling like a tongue through the fog towards the ground below, until it is resting right in front of us. Right in the middle of my mother's prize winning azaleas.


    We stand there, my family and I, and watch in fascination as each side of the ramp lights up with the brilliant glare of hundreds of red and yellow twinkling lights. The glow from the open doorway suddenly dims as a shadow grows within it, becoming larger and larger as the fog gives it a ghostlike appearance.

    I hold my breath and my mother grabs my hand fiercely. My father's grip on my shoulder becomes even tighter as the rolling fog clears and a tall, skinny creature is silhouetted at the top of the ramp. Stepping forward into the open air it appears like a person. No wait, not a person, it can't be. This thing is Greenish brown and mottled and is wearing a red backpack.

    "Hi guys!" The creature says, waving its skinny arms up high, "Sorry I'm late!"

"Spignek!!!" I shout, dropping my angry mother's hand, wriggling out of my father's grip, and running up the ramp.

    "My Azaleas!" Cries my mother...

A/N: so what did you think? I'd absolutely appreciate any feedback or comments! Or, if you're feeling generous, hit that little vote button!!!

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