Chapter 5- W.I.L.M.A

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A/N: for Toby, without whom there would be no August, no Spig, and no Buckleberry Academy.

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       The enormous, black, wrought iron gate in front of us has the words Buckleberry Academy written in large letters arched across its top. Underneath it reads 'For Entwined Learning'. This is our school.

       Even though we learn a bunch about each other's worlds, obviously there's oodles you can never know without being there to see it for yourself. So when a younger candidate gets selected for the exchange program, they always spend time in an AES like this first.

         There's stony path that runs all the way from the front gate into the school grounds, veering off at different parts to take you to the junior school, the high school, the cafeteria or the AES and stuff. There's this huge fountain right in the middle of the grounds, and no matter where your going you have to go past it. It's meant to help get the Kramorian's used to water, but usually they just do their best to steer clear of it anyway.

      There's no water on Kramoria and you wouldn't believe how many Kramorians are terrified of it! But it's pretty I guess.

       Over to the left of the grounds is the junior school, classes from kindergarten to grade six. The high school is over on the right. Everyone from grade seven to twelve goes over there. The greenhouse cafeteria is right in the middle, and then if you keep going up the hill you get to the awesome AES. That's where everyone wants to go.

       Pretty much ever since the Kramorians decided to stay here on Earth, or so the story goes, things started to change. Mum says it gets in the way. Dad says it's awesome, and I agree with him. The most exciting part (other then finding out there really are aliens out there) is all of the AT they've brought with them. Granny tells me it started small, with like different and new ways of doing stuff to make life easier. These days though, you can't walk into any building that isn't jam packed with exciting AT. And school is no exception.

       Every school has the basic AT. I mean how they could even teach without insta-boards and hologram generators and stuff, that's just crazy talk. And of course all the gyms have steam showers for the Kramorians. But the best stuff, the really really neat stuff, well that's left for the AES's.

       I've been here at Buckleberry since kindy, and there have always been aliens here. I remember standing on the path, giving way to the tall creatures, looking up at them in awe. "Did you see that?" I'd say to my friends, after giving them a shy wave, "I think he smiled at me."

       All we all ever wanted was the chance to go to the AES. It's strange shape, exclusivity and hidden gems of AT made it like a kind of secret society. And the way the kids who got to go there strutted around like royalty. The AES is just for Kramorians who are here on exchange. Well, the ones under three hundred anyway. Also, if you are housing an alien, or about to leave for Kramoria, you get to go there too. Which is why I get to go there now!.

I keep my eyes on the ground, as Spig and I race down the hallway and into our classroom. We skid to a halt and try not to look Tardy in the eyes. She's standing guard at the doors, as usual, tardy slips in hand. I hear her tut tut and tap her watch on my way past. The final bells havent gone off yet so I know we are safe and tardy slip free.

       Spig holds his palm out by his side and we share a stealthy low five. As always, I'm distracted along the way and I slow down to look around, still not used to how amazing this school really is.

       The room is massive, and when I say massive, I do mean massive! It's shaped like an octagon, like I giant stop sign shape, and every section of the room is for a different subject. Like over there on the left, that's where we do English. Which also means we do languages and literature and stuff. Then in the section next to that we do Geography. That's my very fav subject, well, when we do Astronomy anyway. So In fact, the classroom has eight different sides all up, and every wall in every section is painted a different, bright colour.

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