Office Hours

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I was more relaxed during finals week. It's weird when you are the only one not stressing. Especially since today I got to hang out with my lab professor. Her and I are on friendly terms and we wanted to talk before studying began. Plus I wanted my labs back so it was worth the visit.

I walked into her office in my shorts and t-shirt. A wide grin was on my face as I saw her long blonde hair, rounder figure, with shorts, sandals, and a v-neck shirt. The sandals surprised me since she always wore sneakers in lab. Her toes did look cute and slightly big like I thought they would. I was just wearing regular sneakers like I always do.

"Hey, how you doing?" I asked her as I took a seat on the other side of her desk.

"I'm doing well." She said as she gave me the graded labs. I took them and held onto them. "I don't have to work today, so I'm thankful about that."

"That's good. I also see you're wearing sandals for once." I said to her.

She looked down and smiled at them. "Ya. Thought it was a nice day to wear them." She said as she lightly wiggled her toes. "You like them?"

"They do suite you well." I said to her. I didn't want to say that they were cute. Didn't stop her from taking off her sandals and putting them on the desk. Her bare soles were right in front of me. They looked so clean with a tiny amount of wrinkles in them.

"Glad you see it that way." She said as she constantly wiggled her toes at me. I couldn't stop staring at her feet. The motion is mesmerizing. It's impossible. She wouldn't stop either. Instead, she said something else. "You like my feet?"

I blushed when she asked me this. I couldn't even answer. The question took me by surprise. All the while, she kept teasing me with those toes of hers. I just nodded while staring at them. She smiled and flexed her toes back, spreading them out for me. "You can rub them if you want." She said.

I didn't wait for a second before beginning to rub her right foot. I could feel her relax as I began. It was nice to get one of my favorite professors to relax. She just let out a sigh and let me rub her foot.

I constantly switched between her left and right foot, rubbing both for what felt like an equal amount of time. Her feet felt smooth for someone that was in her late twenties. I was so happy she kept good care for her feet.

My surprises didn't end there though. After about five minutes of massaging her feet, she gave me another offer. "If you want, you can lick them." She said.

I didn't take long to respond this time. I immediately licked her soles passionately. An audible gasp escaped her lips as I did so. I guess she enjoyed it more than I thought she would. I kept licking, hoping for more gasps. Sadly, they didn't come. Instead, she wiggled her toes and scrunched up her soles. It must've tickled a little for her.

I kept licking her soles for about two minutes before moving on to her teasing toes. I put as many as I could into my mouth and began sucking on them. As I did, I could here her giggle. "Careful, that tickles." She said as her toes wiggled in my mouth. I was happy to hear her hardy giggles. Surprisingly, she barely giggled in lab.

I kept sucking and licking her toes as they were in my mouth. It was fun to have them wiggle and almost catch my tongue. I did stop though and spread them apart to lick between them.

She was about to say something when my tongue went between her toes. As soon as it did, a stream of giggles flowed out of her mouth. It was adorable. The best part was that she didn't try to pull her feet away the whole time. She didn't complain either, all I heard was giggling.

I kept licking between her toes for a few minutes before stopping. When I did, she stopped giggling and smiled at me. "Don't do that again. It tickled too much." She said.

"Sorry, never saw you giggle so much. I was curious." I said to her while her feet were still in front of me. They were cute. I quickly took out my phone and took a few pics for myself. She happily flexed and scrunched up her feet to help me. "Thanks for this."

"Don't worry. I'll miss having you in my class." She said.

"I'll visit. Then maybe we can do this again." I said to her.

"Ok. I'll make room in my schedule for it then." She said. I smiled, took my labs, and left.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2018 ⏰

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