the call

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It was McCree. He called to tell Genji that Hanzo had been in an accident and died. Genji was heartbroken and McCree offered to come over to comfort him. "Genji, I know you are upset over this but he was your brother. The things you did weren't right." McCree said softly, so he wouldn't hurt his feelings.

"But I loved him. He meant everything to me. He may have been my brother, but he's my baby daddy." Genji cried out, now sobbing into McCree's shoulder. "BUIEGJOS I LOVED HIM!!" he shouted incoherently.

"I know Genji, I know. But he's gone now and I'm here. I've always loved you and I will be your new baby daddy. Hanzo couldn't handle that responsibility anyways." McCree replied in a comforting tone, but also throwing shade on Hanzo's name.

"Thank you, McCree. I appreciate you." Genji whispered, sniffling.

"I love you, Genji." McCree said, staring Genji directly in the eyes.

"I love you too, McCree." Genji declared, seeming somewhat happier now. "I guess Hanzo leaving isn't so bad, it's not like he was an important character anyways and I have trust that you'll be a much better daddy." Genji smiled, giving McCree those eyes. The eyes that told him the fans would go wild for this love triangle.

"You should get to bed, my love." McCree insisted. "It's been a long day for you I presume. How did Hanzo even get you pregnant in the first place?"

"That's a lonnnnggggg story." Genji explained. "I'll tell you another day, right now is definitely not the right moment to explain this."

"Alright, goodnight Genji."

"Goodnight McCree."

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