Chapter 11

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   My mind remained in a nebulous state as I slumped further down into the uncomfortable plastic chair. This piece of poorly made furniture felt like my new home, since I'd been sitting in it for days. But whenever someone came to ask if I wanted to go home, or get up and walk around, I'd suddenly shoot awake and adamantly deny any desire to leave my father's side. My hand rested lazily in his own, neither clamped down due to his unconscious nature and my vegetative state. The armed guards watching over us certainly didn't help calm me at all. People had brought me meals, blankets, whatever they felt I needed. I think I'd made it clear I wasn't going to leave until he did. And it was nice I didn't have to worry about hiding my wings here. These people knew of my situation and were sworn to secrecy.

The second day, Sam came to visit, making casual conversation with me as we waited for him to move. Nat had called me, requesting my presence at a committee hearing, and at first I'd declined. But when she told me the committee themselves had asked for me, I knew I had to agree to make an appearance. What they wanted me to say, I wouldn't know until I got there.

"You mind if I play some music?" Sam asked, holding up his phone. I shook my head, tossing my matted, mangled black hair around. I hadn't bothered to shower since I'd arrived, and I was sure I smelled like garbage.

A mellow tune began to play from Sam's phone quietly as my eyes wandered over to my father, watched as he continued to sleep. I sighed, losing hope I'd be able to see him wake up before I had to leave. Time was growing short, and I needed to leave in time to clean myself up and look presentable before such an important meeting.

That's when I felt my father's hand twitch in my own, causing me to sit up a little straighter. I watched his face as his eyes slowly opened, his expression indicating his confusion. I didn't realize how concerned I was he wouldn't ever wake up until he looked at me, and I felt an overwhelming amount of emotions strike me.

"On your left," Sam joked, causing my father to smile. I took a second to attempt and calm myself, then launched forward and began to tear up as he wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

"Hey, sweetheart." It took him a second to come to his senses, but when he did, I heard him cough. "When was the last time you showered?"

I chuckled through my tears and pushed back.

"I haven't left this room since they put you in here."

My phone went off, and when I glanced down at it, I saw a message from Nat reminding me about the meeting. Sighing, I stashed my phone back in my pocket and reluctantly stood. I felt my legs wobble for a moment, weak from minimal use, but managed to get my balance after a moment.

"I'm needed for a testimony at a committee hearing," I told him. "I should be back later if they don't let you out before I'm done." I pointed at Sam. "Don't let him push himself." My dad laughed as a smirk formed on Sam's face.

"You've got yourself a good kid here, Steve," he complimented. My father turned to smile at me before I left.

"The best."

Voices buzzed around Nat and I as my hands shook. I held my right one in the air, revealing the violent tremors plaguing them. I could feel Nat's comforting presence next to me, but it did little to calm my nerves. After this, I wouldn't be able to keep my identity a secret from many people, but as long as I could hide my wings from them, I'd at least be a little in the clear. The dress I wore clung to my legs with static, as though attempting to calm me in a moment of fear. I didn't know what I was meant to say, yet I was scared of the response I'd give.

"Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" the bailiff asked us.

"I do," Nat answered confidently, offering a small bob of her head.

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