Chapter 2

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Slam!  The ancient volume snapped shut. Alexander looked around the massive towers of books and threw the one he had in hand towards the nearest bookshelf. It had already been two weeks since the king had passed away, and their scouring of the castle’s enormous library had resulted to nought so far. They were running out of precious time to learn of how to unbind the princess Cassandra from her chains.

He got up from the uncomfortable hard backed chair he had been sitting in, and walked across to the small foot ladder his father had settled upon. Lord Albert was carefully scanning the text of one extraordinary large book, his tired eyes moving continuously from left to right. Over the two weeks, Albert had loss a fair amount of weight over the exhausting searching and scanning of books. Alexander suspected the loss of weight also had something to do with the death of the king and he constantly fretted over the old man’s health.

“I don’t understand. How are we supposed figure out how to unbind the princess? The king said the chains were constructed by a witch and unbreakable. All the books I have come across of witchcraft have held only information about potions of changing one’s appearance or chants to induce illness. There has been absolutely nought of even a trace of information on indestructible chains.” Alexander mumbled, careful to keep his voice low in case a passing maid heard.

Lord Albert slowly raised his head, tearing his eyes away from the thick book. It appeared he just had noticed Alexander’s presence for the first time. The corners of his pale lips turned just the slightest bit up.

“Be patient Alexander. We may find something of use in these books.” Lord Albert raised his arm and gestured to the tall shelves surrounding them.

“I only wish the king had revealed to us the identity of the witch who constructed those chains. Perhaps she would be able to unbind the princess,” Alexander breathed out heavily as a thought struck him. “Since a witch made the chains, then may chance another will be able to break them.”

“Good lord Alexander, have you been paying any attention to the books you have examined? It is among common knowledge of witchcraft that one’s work can only be undone by oneself, and not by any other than oneself.”

“But we may be able to obtain something of use from a witch, even though she was not the one who created the chains. It is just like what you said of the books.” Alexander grinned at his father.

“You have made a fair point. We can summon a witch in; then perhaps she may be able to tell us who constructed those chains. Do you know of any witches that dwell nearby?”

“Yes, I know of Alicia, the healer. She lives up north, not far from the castle. It would only take a day for the messenger to travel and another for them both to travel to the castle.”

“Excellent. We will send a messenger on his way first light tomorrow morning. But for now, I fancy a refreshing walk in the castle gardens from all this work. The weather has been quite cheerful and I’ve heard that the new orchids the gardener planted last year have begun to flower. ” Albert stretched and dropped the book into a pile at his feet.

“Shall we?” For the first time since the king’s death, Albert smiled widely.

“Of course.” Alexander replied, surprised. He got up and led the way to the door.


The servant appeared at the door, with an elderly woman trailing behind.

“My lord and Mister Alexander, my I present Alicia, the healer of the north,” the servant announced.

“Thank you Ashton, you may leave us.” Lord Albert gave a curt nod to the servant and he withdrew from the room, closing the door with a soft thud.

“My lord,” The elderly witch bent over in the customary bow and straightened. “What is it that you require my company here today?”

“It is a matter of immerse secrecy. I would have your word that you will treat the matter with silence on all accounts?”

“Yes, of course, my lord.”

 “Then I shall disclose the matter with you. We are seeking to sever unbreakable chains, ones that were constructed by a witch.”

Alicia frowned, the wrinkles of her ancient eyes drooping down.

“I do not recall constructing chains of any sort in my lifetime.”

“I see. Then perhaps would you be able to provide us with any useful details? We were hoping to gather some information.” Alexander glanced at the witch and saw her gazing back at him.

“I might be able to, but I would need to examine the chains.”

Both men looked at each other and Alexander bit his lip.

“As to the case of actually inspecting the chains, we have not done so,” Lord Albert sighed as he continued. “It is a very lengthy story as to who is bounded with the chains and why we seek to free her.”

“Her name is Cassandra de Nox, a princess of the royal house. She died and by some means became alive again. She is imprisoned underneath the castle cellar. And now she is the only heir to the throne,” Alexander stood up and looked at his father. “I think it is time we paid her royal highness a visit.”

Lord Albert nodded his agreement. He turned to the witch.

“We shall recount the entire story to you on the way.”

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