Chapter 1

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🔷Will's P. O. V🔷


I was quickly shoved against the wall.
Immediately, I started to tear. Oh jeez, why must I cry? I am a demon so why am I crying? I look up to see Master Ford, grinning down at me devilishly. I shrink back. Oh right. I made a deal with him. I quickly got up, I didn't want to be whipped today." Will," he barked." Y-yes, M-master F-ford." I stutter. I always stuttered, though I do not know why. I always been like this. Shy, oblivious, worrisome, and a good soul. Oh, how I envy my older brother, Bill. He was confident, aware, relaxed, and a complete ass(In the demon world, being a good demon is bad, and bad demon is good). Ok, I didn't envy that last part, but still, other demons hate me for being, what they call a 'innocent cinnamon roll?' Still I wish my life would be better. If someone would not see that I am worthless, but someone who I could love. My deepest desire is have a relationship with someone who can tell me sweet things into my ear, cuddle with me when I'm scared, be my light of the dark...all I ever wanted was for a man who can love me for me. I hope the day that will come-


I feel a hot burning pain at my cheek. More tears escaped from my eye." WILL!!! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING, BOY?!" I gingerly touched my cheek." I-I am q-quite s-s-sorry M-master F-f-ford. I w-was j-just-"
"SORRY MY ASS! I WAS TALKING TO YOU!! AND YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON'T LISTEN TO YOUR MASTER!!" He then kicked me." Like I was saying, fetch Mabel. She hasn't been down here for an hour. You know how she is when she wakes up early." He growled. I bowed down." Y-yes, M-master F-ford."
"Good. Now get going, demon!" He slaps my butt and pushes me off. I speed-walked, hearing him snicker makes me terrified. I was rushing down the hall to get Mistress Mabel, when I appear to bump into someone. I immediately knew who it was, Master Dipper." What the hell, Cipher!?" He cried, as we collasped on the floor, with me on top of him." O-oh!! F-forgive m-me S-sir! I was rushing too fast!! I s-should h-have b-been l-l-looking up! I-I am m-most-"
That was when I noticed that he was bright red. With anger. I jumped off and ran upstairs. I am surely getting a punishment from Master Dipper now, I thought.

Up ahead, I see Mistress Mabel door. I knocked on it." M-mistress M-mabel, M-master F-ford has m-me to w-wake y-you."
I knocked again.
Oh no...
I quickly kicked down the door. What I saw was...Mistress, face down on the floor, in her nightgown, eyes wide and dull, no color to her eyes. Her arm extending toward her amulet, which was shattered. Explains why her eyes were dull. She lay in pool of blood, with 3 knives at the back of her head, stomach and heart. I then dropped to floor. Tears leaking out of my eye, I covered my mouth with both hands, shaking in horror. I let out a scream, after that I heard running footsteps. I turn to see Master Dipper." Will! What is-" I pointed at Mis-Mabel's corpse." I-I....I'm v-very sorry, M-master D-dipper but-"
"She's dead."

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