Dylan Larkin - #71 on Detroit Red Wings

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B: Have you ever had a boy/girlfriend?

A: No

B: *generally surprise* how?!

A: *shrugs* I don't know; never asked, never got asked.

B: *under breath* but you're so beautiful.

A: what?

B: what?!


You were studying at the University of Michigan when you met Dylan. He was super friendly and athletic — what more could a girl ask for? You weren't dating him, but you always had a thing for him. But he was unattainable. Not necessarily because he was a "jock" but because of his dreams dealing with being a "jock" — he wasn't at the University of Michigan that long before he signed a deal with the Detroit Red Wings.

Suddenly he was busier than he was when he was just a college hockey player. He, being the super friendly guy he was, continued to keep in touch even if he was across the country. And whenever he was in the area, he would try to visit you.

"Y/N, Dylan left tickets for you." Your roommate and best friend told you. "Are we going?"

"Yeah, let's celebrate." You said excitedly. You were approaching your final semester. You were preparing for your last finals at University. "Oh, they're in the box." You mumbled.

"The box? You mean the WAGs box?" Your friend asked. You nodded. "Are you sure he doesn't think you two are dating?"

"Heck no!" You shouted. "He doesn't see me like that— plus, we would've kissed if he thought we were even possibly a couple. You've seen Dylan when he likes a girl, he makes it blatantly obvious. You've seen those stupid puck bunnies."

"Are you jealous?" Your friend asked teasingly. "That you're not the one he's hooking up with every week?"

"No. Because I don't want to be a hook-up, you know that." You mumbled. "That's why I haven't dated anyone."

"Because you don't want a hook-up?" Your friend asked.

"Well, you know... my parents were super strict about me dating in high school. Dad had to approve of any possible boyfriends, and I never had one because of it. All the guys in my high school were jerks. Then I went to university and said I wouldn't hook-up like all those stupid freshmen. But, then I met Dylan, and everything was screwed up. I didn't want any random guy at all. I fell in love with some stupid hockey player who likes hook-ups and leaves every once in a while to go play in a new city." You sighed loudly. "Anyway, I'm getting my Zetterberg jersey on; what are you wearing?"

"Why don't you use your Larkin jersey?" Your friend asked.

"Because I'm getting tired of people asking if I'm dating Dylan. So I'll use my Zetterberg jersey from before I even knew Dylan." You said.

"But what about his wife, wouldn't it be weird wearing her husband's jersey?" Your friend asked. "Seriously, wearing a Larkin jersey would be so much better."

"Shut up."

After the game, you waited with the WAGs, and your friend, for the players.

"Hey Y/N, nice jersey." Emma teased you. "I see you were a fan of my husband before."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2018 ⏰

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