Chapter 13

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"Harry, no. I- I just-." I sigh. I am completely lost for words. How can I tell him I like him when I can't even pull myself together?

"We can't be together. It's unprofessional. I have no idea why I even kissed back and I just-." I kept rambling on and on.

He pushes a strand of hair behind my ear and adjusts the green beanie on my head. His eyes are glossy and watery. His voice is croaky and broken, unlike his usual deep and playful one.

"Tell me you don't feel the fire between us," He says as he strokes my cheek, "Tell me you don't want to be more than just friends. Tell me you don't like the way I make you feel when I touch you."

Go on Sage. Tell him you feel the exact same way. Tell him you want to run your fingers  through those chocolate curls. Go on Sage. Tell him.

I turn away from him knowing every single thing he said is false. I didn't just feel the fire between us, it burnsmy insides.

Every day I knew with every passing second I found myself falling for him. I didn't think I would because I thought the walls I built up would prevent me to do so.

"Give me a chance. Give us a chance," Harry begs. He squeezes my hand even tighter hoping I give him the answer he wants. "That's all I want- a chance."

After everything I've been through maybe the thing I need is love; someone to take care of me or someone I could take care of.

Do allI really I need is love?

I sigh. How did my life get so complicated because of a British boy? He's actually more of a man than a boy, really. He has such a sharp jawline and toned physique.I scoot a couple inches away from Harry and adjust my coat, tighten my cream colored scarf, and bury my face with my mitten covered hands.

Before I know it, I feel wet tears seeping through the knitted holes of my mittens. I could taste the unfamiliar salinity on my tongue. I wipe them before anyone can notice. Crying is for the weak; loveis for the weak.

"Why can't you understand? You've done this to me before, Harry yet you expect a different answer!"

"I don't want to fucking be with you nor do I want to be your girlfriend!"

He looks at me with sorrowful eyes and a cascading tear. For once, they look tired and weary unlike the piercing green emeralds I've become accustomed to seeing.

Every word I say is a lie. I want him more than he could ever want me, but that's not the case.

"Kissing me was idiotic. You feel like you can waltz in here and try to sweep me off my feet, but hell you are wrong. I don't want you. I don't need you, so do allof us a favor and pull you're shit together."

"What made you think I would fall for you? It takes a lot more than dinner, Harry." I yell sarcastically.

I see every word piercing into his soul. He doesn't deserve this which is why he doesn't deserve me. Someone better will come along. Someone who can give him what he needs. I'm uncable of love. I mean, how can you love someone or something if you yourself have never been loved?

I could tell my words sear him from the insides and out. I needto protect myself before anything else. Not my physical being, but my emotionalbeing.

He puffs out a sigh of icy cold New York air.

"You're right. I am unprofessional. God, I am so stupid. So damn stupid, Sage," He takes his arms off of me and throws them up in the air. "You've made it quite clear." He yells. He gets off the bench and wanders away from me; from the pain.

He turns his head back facing me with sorrowful, shattered eyes much softer than the ones I had just previously encountered. They look so dead. They only life in his is eyes is a cascading tear. His voice shaky and grave; "I tried."

And with that being done he turns his head back and continues to leave.

You're probably wondering if I ran up to get him back. Sadly, I didn't. I gazed at the sun settling into the horizon, watching how each color is randomly splotched yet layered with such organization. Quite deep just for a mere sunset, right?

I sat there on that bench for what felt like hours as tiny little snowflakes land and rest on my hair forming a crown of cold despair.

lol hi okay I'm still alive y'all. so changed the cover yet again and hope you like it :)

next update will come after 100 reads, 15 votes, and 5 comments! know you guys can do it :)


edited some things in the story that seem rather important. strongly suggest you reread starting from chapter 3 :) some weird stuff happened there guys..................

happy reading! ilysm

dedicating this to @a_thousand_miles because her story Mental is so asdfghjkl;'

Check it out!! Its a Louis Fanfic btw :) *warning* YOU WILL CRY

(published on July 17, 2014)

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