Some concepts unique to the world:

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Here is some vocabulary we're going to use in the world. I'll write most of it here so that we don't get confused okay? ^^

Dominum: Extreme Light emitting substance. Absorbs anything to increase its own mass. First found in the meteor crash site in Akihabara District in Japan.

Ø Prolonged Direct Exposure Harmful, may cause death.

Ø Can be utilized in specific ways, Extremely useful since it can convert any substance into energy.

Ø Gets Absorbed into Various colored substances to induce/show various characteristics in the substance.

Ø Slowly Deteriorates everything it's absorbed into until the whole mass is converted into Dominum.

Ø Continuously Emits bright, blinding light.

DOMINATRIUM (Huge Flying fortress)

Ø A flying fortress internationally acclaimed and accepted made and designed for the sole purpose of research on Dominum, It's products and Its derivatives.

Ø Houses the Remnants of the Initial Dominum Research team, Dreavus Ivanov, Reamus Ivanov, Akano Takeda, Alcor Payne and more.

Ø Supervised and run by Dreavus Ivanov and Akano Takeda as Head director and lead researcher Respectively.

Ø Runs on Dominum Core, an unlimited power source developed by the researchers and scientists. Which needs to be kept in control.

Ø Being as big as a small city, it can house above 2,000 staff.

Ø Most Parts of the floating fortress remains cloaked.

Ø Self-sufficient in most commodities and food.

Ø Has Ground Maintenance-facilities all over the world. Keeps getting upgrades.


Ø The Serum developed by Dreavus, Akano and Janus Payne which Increases Human capabilities by astronomical amounts.

Ø Super speed, kinetic vision, induced and self-regeneration only to name a few.


Ø People Affected by the Domino Serum.

Ø Exhibit powers and abilities accordingly to their personalities and emotions.

· Flying Cities

Ø Since the shortage of living area and space due to overpopulation became overcrowded, Mankind created many flying cities powered by steam contraptions, Fusion Reactors, Nuclear reactors and Solar Generators.

Ø They are the Top-Tier living space on earth. Ground dwellers are not given as much status as the Sky dwellers.

  Ø Every Country has their own special flying city Called an Archon. The Archon is responsible for containing and maintaining the law and order situation of every country.

  Ø There are rogue flying cities too which are marked as black zones. These flying cities have no law and order and are ... well ... rogue ..... They all have leaders but they are run by Pirates. The most famous Pirates are the "Ziggurati" (Pronounced: Zig-gur-rat-eye) Led by their fanatical leader "Karn".

· The Zones

Ø The world is as most human worlds but is Divided into zones within each country.

Ø There are Many Zones. Some of which are: Blue, green, red, yellow, Cyan, Purple, Orange and Black

Ø Blue Zones are City residential/commercial districts consisting of the major cities. 

Ø Green Zones are Agricultural districts, being large and occupying most of the under-dwelling populace. 

Ø Red Zones are Military districts which house the army and their families and contains the military facilities of every country.

Ø Yellow Zones are Private industrial districts containing the factories and manufacturing industries of every country.

Ø Cyan zones are special government-monitored areas for technological research and Education. Not every country has them.

Ø Purple zones are safe testing sites for government operations. strictly prohibited to civilian access.

Ø Orange zones are government-monitored Manufacturing facilities and factories. 

Ø Black Zones or Dark zones are outlaw areas which are uncontrolled by any official government. Not necessarily containing criminals, but surely a convenient place for them.

· Scintillations

Ø The powers exhibited by Domini are termed as Scintillations. 

Ø They can be anything from Induced regeneration (Healing), Concentrated light barrier (Shield aura), Bursts of Light (Energy blasts), Light-based acceleration (super-speed), Strengthening of muscles to an inhuman degree (Super strength)

Ø There are also Unique Scintillative transformations which enable the Domini to have Unique properties accordingly to their personalities. (AKA the direct connection to the ancient souls)

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