I'm Henry

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Henry's POV

(Warning: There is some abuse so....If you don't like that kinda stuff, there will be a warning when it comes up. and a note when it ends.)

Maybe it was just me but I felt as if Y/N had already gained her memory back. She still looked at me with a judging look as if she was questioning my every move.

She began with simple questions like how we met. She asked me what our relationship is and if we were friends or more. My responce could change things. I could finally get back at Michael.

"Uh, actually we were dating." I was lying, it was a white lie. Everyone knew

"Aren't we still dating?" She asked, confused.

"Yes." Another white lie slipped before I could catch it. I couldn't contradict what I said so I said quiet.

The rest of the day I kept up with the fib. Making her accept the fact that I was dating her, even if ir wasn't true.

I couldn't back down now, that would break the trust I had just built. Finally her mom came to pick her up from the park we were hanging out at. I kissed her on the cheek and told her goodbye.

She bought it, the lie that probably will ruin my life.

I entered my house, laughter filled the house and I cringed at the dark chuckle that escaped a new man's lips.

I hurried into my room and shut and locked the door, trying to block out their date. He wouldn't be back, my mom just wanted him for the night.

This was how she made money, and none came back for a fight. It was like she had some super power that helped her lure guys into her life but they never bother her again.

I pulled out my phone and just decided to play the whole Hamilton Soundtrack. I plugged in my earbuds and laid back.

Time passed and I was singing along to Helpless when someone decides to bang on my door. The constant pounding forced me to pause my music and unlocked and opened the door. My mom stood there drunk, her clothes showed way too much cleverage that a son wasn't supposed to see. (Warning: A little Abuse Ahead)

She stared at me with her blurred eyes and enlarged irises. Slurred words came out, questioning me about something.

I was about to ask her what I had done when she raises her arm and slaps my face. Tears begin to bundle in my eyes. I stood there gapping at the sting on my cheek. I close my eyes, wondering what I had done this time.

When I finally open my eyes my mom is just standing there, furious. Her features sharpened and her body stiff. She went to slap me again, I quickly shut my eyes and stiffen my body ready for the slap.

(No more abuse)

A few seconds pass and I don't feel the slap of my mother. I open one eye to  see my mother's shocked face looking up at a man. His hand was holding onto her wrist, restraining her from slapping me again.

"No more abuse from you" he says, and I recognize his voice from earlier when he came in.

She softened her face, "Baby, he's been so bad!~" she pouts her lips and continues to seduce him. He rolls his eyes and lets go of her wrist, and she limps against the wall.

"There has been reports about abuse in this household and I had to check it out myself. It seems they were correct..." he lowers his gaze to me, sympathy evident

"Young man, I hope you understand that this has to happen. Abuse is to be taken seriously.. And that's why I have we have to send you to a foster home."

"Wait.....I have to go to an adoption center?" I couldn't think straight. I would have to live with a new family. They could be worse.

"It's for your own good, son." He said and began to take away my mother. Most kids would scream and yell at a situation like this. All I could do is stand still and stare at my mother being dragged away from me, in hopes of a better life.

Yeah, I think I went a bit overboard....oh well. Hope you like the chapter. Peace ✌

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