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   They say Whale was our saving grace.

   They say you could look around and feel safe, grow unabided, and flourish to your full potential. 

   From what I have seen, the short 17 years I have inhabited Whale, this was the truth. Most people here seemed perfectly fine in this mechanical fortress. Something had been pulling at my mind lately, though. If our ancestors willingly arrived on the ship, they must have had a reason, but furthermore, why was it the decision to stay on the ship. Could we not find another planet somewhere?

   I felt a soft sigh escape my lips, one I had not intended to give, and looked my emblem over once more. The cold metal, that danced over top itself in intricate patterning which always felt a bit excessive, resembled the shape of a blue whale. The youth teachers from the Knowledge Faction had once told us of all the beasts that had gone extinct on Earth before the Great Departure. This was the reason Ryder Pennington, the architectural genius they called him, designed our world the way he had. The loss of the blue whales had hit the Earthlings hard, as it was their first indicator of real trouble, and the first big loss in the ocean ecosystems. So, Ryder took his ship assignment and made Whale. His beloved planet would be remembered so the future generations could also remember her beauty.

   "Beauty..." I stared at the markings of water where the tail fin of the whale should be, "I wonder what his final thoughts where. Did he find you beautiful Whale?" I flipped the emblem and gently brushed my fingertip over the little blue number that read '17'. Turning 16 was supposed to be the turning point of your life, the year most restrictions where lifted, but why did 17 feel like more of an impact. "Am I beautiful? I wonder..."

   "I shouldn't sit here all day," I sighed as I placed the emblem just over the center of where my left lung would be and a soft click could be heard as the magnet from my uniform grabbed the piece from my hand. The compact threading of my grey youth suit landed gently against my skin, the name Faiza Abbott flickering gently across the front of the emblem. 

   I stood and held my right hand briefly before flicking it to the side. A web of lights, producing holographic images, emitted from my pupils and sat just before my eyes. "Imogen...Hollis" Her familiar thin face, fluffy cat ears buried in her short white, blonde hair, and similar grey suit appeared next to almost everything the system knew about her. Sure it had her birthday and lineage, but these reports could never grasp anyone's true character. "Call Imo....wait" my eyes darted over her info. 

Faction: determined, yet to be accepted

   When did she approach the Crew for the Faction-Placement Observation? We are not required to go through that until we turn 19. A soft tear crawled down my cheek. 'When did I start crying?' I thought to myself. The tear continued its slow descent as I stood nearly frozen. "Am I going to lose you too, Imogen?

   A soft digital ring resounded from the other end of my small room, which only held the basic stock white couch and a small desk in the corner near my bed, as I did not own many personal items. A blue screen appeared with the attractive and young face of Elizabeth Oconnor, who was smiling at me from the corridor. Her brown hair pulled upwards into a messy ponytail and her usual green/blue faction suit was visible around her neck and shoulders.

   "Aww dear, why the look? And...the tears?" Her smile diminished into a look of worry and care, the usual look for those of the Morale Faction. I batted the screens out of my eyes and went to wipe the tear, which had somehow turned into more than one, from my face. "May I come in dear? Please let me try and help." Her worried face was much closer and nearly pressed against the monitor in the corridor. 

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