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Major Jack Wheeler felt bad about leaving his three year old son, Josef Vert Wheeler at home alone so soon after his mother had passed away, but he knew his duty came first. He got off the plane in New York city and collected his luggage to go to the hotel where his squadron was being stationed at. Jack sighed and stared at the pale walls of the room he was staying in before collecting his things to go to a conference meeting at the city center. He got up and straightened himself out knowing that his squadron was meeting an some important clients today. The hustle and bustle of the city as he walked to the center didn't help much on his anxieties of knowing that his son was at home alone. He finally made it to the center and walked to the conference room where his squadron was socializing and joking around with one another. Just then a women with long red hair and blue eyes came into the room with a stack of folders and sat down just across from where Jack was sitting. "My god she's beautiful" he thought to himself as he couldn't stop staring at her. The young woman looked up and said, "Can I help you?" in a snarky tone as she arranged the papers and folders she had on the table. Jack snapped to his attention struggling to find words to counteract the question she throttled his way. He stammered trying to play himself cool, "I'd settle for your name ma'am." The young women smiled a bit and began to introduce herself. "My name is Jean, Jean Grey" she said in a soft yet serious tone as she tucked her hair back behind her ears. "What do you do Ms. Jean Grey?" Jack asked curious to know more about the young woman. She laughed slightly and cracked another smile, "That information is top secret." Before Jack could ask anymore questions the meeting got started and a bald man in a wheelchair approached the front of the room and started talking. Major Jack tried his hardest to pay attention but all he could focus on was Jean. After the meeting let up and everyone was leaving, Jack caught up with Jean to talk some more. I wasn't long before the two started joking around together. Jean kept in touch with Jack after he went back to California and even made frequent trips to come see him. Vert seemed to like her a lot and she liked Vert a lot too. six months passed and Jack and Jean got married and she moved to California to live with him. It wasn't long before the newly wed couple was expecting a child. Jean seemed happy for the most part but she had brief moments where she got anxious and worried, but she would never tell Jack why. Nine months later Jean gave birth to a Baby girl with wavy brown hair and eyes as blue as the sea itself. The couple had named their new daughter Kassie.

For the most part Kassie had a very normal childhood. She was a sweet and smart happy go lucky girl who loved to have fun. Vert was overjoyed to be a big brother and looked out for his little sister all the time. Jean watched upon her daughter hoping that she wouldn't carry the gene she had and for years she didn't. It wasn't until Kassie's tenth birthday when she noticed strange things happening to her. She heard voices every time she went out in public and started seeing floating objects and thought she was going crazy. One night when the family was having dinner, she heard the voices again. These voices sounded familiar though, Kassie snapped to attention that she was hearing her families thoughts. After dinner she told her mother what had been going on with her. Jean sighed and hugged her daughter telling her everything she knew about her powers and how she got them from her. After hearing her mother's full story, Kassie secluded herself until she was of age to go to middle school. She enrolled in a private school and didn't really speak to much of her family. Vert distanced himself too involving himself in surfing and eventually the world race. After the world race Vert joined a street racing gang called the teku where he formed a close kinship. This is where our story begins.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 05, 2018 ⏰

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