part 1

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I was walking alone down the hallways of hell, the usual for a school day.

how rude let me introduce myself

Hi I'm Wednesday

I'm 18

I'm a loser

I have brownish black hair and brown eyes (I know nothing special)

I'm around 5'5

I usually dress in jeans, vans, & a t-shirt

that's about it

This school is filled with sluts & whores. There's not really any "good people" here.

That is besides some students.

I have one friend and she is my best friend.

Her name is Donatella.

Shes been there for me since middle school and I'm grateful for that.

The day usually starts with fake whores trying to bring you down, and ends with me and Donatella running to my house two blocks away from school because the whores and their boyfriends try to murder us.

It's the everyday routine.

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