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                    *NOT EDITED*
       JIMIN POV
Rose- please stop it jimin it's hurts.( said while I stabbed her in the leg)
Jimin- No, when Somin was begging you to stop did you even stop and think maybe what you were doing was wrong. ( i said while stabbed her in the leg after)
Rose- you doing this because of that bitch and that thing she was carrying.( rose said while laughing)
Jimin- bitch that thing she was carrying was the child that me and her created, but guess what now that thing is dead because of you bitch.
Rose- that great now I can have you all to my self. Now all i have to do to it kill that bitch som—
Before she could finish her sentence I stabbed her in the heart. I watched as her body fell lifeless on the floor.
Jimin- to think I was actually gonna chose you over Somin, I was stupid to hide my feelings for her.
      I left the cell and when to the main room where all the guys where.
V- do we need to get people to clean up?
I couldn't say nothing I just nodded, I heard V yell at some of the works to go clean and throw her body in the river.
Jin- are you ok.
I just broke down all the feelings I was holding came out.
Jimin- no hyung because of me my unborn child didn't even make it into the would the girl I loved I just had to kill, I have a wife at home that I don't know what my feelings are to her all I do is fuck everything up.

Its been two days since I killed rose, I got over her death pretty fast. The house is very quiet besides when the girls are here to help Somin get better. The first week back from the hospital she didn't want to eat or leave her room, that's when I called the girls to come and help her. They made her eat and go outside. Now she getting better I see her come out of her room more often and eat. Me though I'm ok I'm still not over the lost but I'm getting better with the help of the guys.
Tonight is my dads birthday day dinner and they expect both me and Somin to be there. My parents think she was in the hospital because she fell of her bike down a hill. I called the girls to come get her ready.

I was down stairs by the door waiting for somin. I heard her heels on the steps I looked up a little and saw her walking down in a short black dress with gold heels and a golden hearted necklace that my mother got her as a wedding gift. She look incredible beautiful in that dress, it turned me on no doubt about that. I noticed myself looking to long so I quickly looked away before she noticed she came down that steps (I don't remember what I wrote for their conversation and I'm to lazy to look back so let's continue)
      The ride to my parents house was quite, I wanted to talk but didn't know what to say so I just stayed quiet. When I pulled up to the house and turned off the car before somin got out I wanted to talk to her just to make sure she was ok. The look on her face when she noticed that I was being nice to her didn't shocked me I mean I was rude, beat her , and forced her to have sex with me. If I was her I would be shocked to.

Me and my parents had been talking about company things when my mom said the unexpected thing. She asked if we where thing about having kids. I was shocked I looked over to see hurt and sadness in somins eyes but she quickly covered it up with a fake smile. I was talking ready to tell my parents that we didn't want kids when somin shocked me saying that she would try and make that happen for them. I was shocked and confused.
  I pulled up the house when I noticed that Somin was daydreaming about something I got her attention when I said we were home. Now I wonder how tonight will go. I just hope that the next baby will stay alive so that I can actually hold it. I don't know anything about babies but I'm ready to be a father and to start trying to love those who deserve my love. I hope Somin can forgive me with all the mistakes and hurt I caused her

Forced To Be His •Park jimin• (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now