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                        *NOT EDITED*
I told lisa that we should go to her house so I could explain what has been going on between me and jimin.

   LISA- ok so you really need to tell me what has been going on since I left you, because when I left you and jimin hated each other.
          SOMIN- so after what happen between me and rose and the lost of our baby, jimin apologize to me and confessed his feeling to me and told me how sorry he was and asked for my forgiveness. I'm not completely over about what happen and I didn't forgive him just yet, but I'm slowly starting to. I just really don't wanna bring a baby into this world with parents that hate each other.
         LISA- I really hope that this is want you want and your not just doing it to make other people happy. somin you need to be happy too, you were forced to marry a man you didn't love and now you have to have kids with him just to make his family happy. your my beat friend and I want you to be happy and have a good life.
           SOMIN- trust me lisa this what I want, if I didn't want this I would tell you and if I didn't want to give jimin a chance I would take my baby and leave somewhere far away from him and make sure he would never find me and our baby.
             LISA-I love you so much best friend I want you to know I will always be there for you when ever you need me.( lisa said while pulling me in to a hug)
           SOMIN- I love you too and I will always have your back no matter what.( I said hugging her back) I cant wait for you to have kids so that our kids can be best friends.
          LISA-haha we can play match maker with our kids.
         SOMIN- YA! we are not playing match maker with our kids.
      After hours of talking, we decided to call it a night and head to bed, while lisa showered I deiced to call jimin and let him know I was staying
        SOMIN- hey jimin its me I just wanted to let you know I'm staying the night at lisa house.
         JIMIN- its ok, I was gonna call you early and let you know I was not coming home tonight.
           SOMIN- oh ok, where are you staying at if your not staying at home.
            JIMIN- somewhere, look I have to go talk you later bye.
    He hung up before I could even say bye back. I was wondering why he wouldn't tell me where he was at. all I know is that he is with the boys and if I call and ask them they wont tell me
             LISA- hey you ok.
   SOMIN- uhmm yeah I'm just tired.
         LISA- ok lets go to my room.
   Me and lisa headed up to her room and called it a night.
                      JIMIN POV      JUNGKOOK- why didn't you just tell her you where at a club
         JIMIN- yeah so she can think I'm out fucking people behind her back.
        TAEHYUNG- its not like you never did it before.
      JIN- shut up, can't you see that jimin is trying to chance for her, he is not the same asshole he use to be.
       SUGA- no he still is an asshole,just not a cheating asshole.
      JIMIN- hello guys im still here you know.
      J-HOPE- can't we just be happy for him, I mean he is not the same deadhead he use to be.
     NAMJOON- he may still be the deadhead we love, but just a better one.
     JIMIN- ok guys I'm still here, can you all just shut up about me ok. I changed ok or will I'm trying to chance, because they girl I love doesn't trust me because of shit I've done to her. I wanna be a better man for her and our baby, I want her to love me just as much as I love her ok( jimin said finally letting his tears out and feelings)
     JIN- ok I think its time we
                  NEXT DAY
             SOMIN POV
I woke up and told Lisa I was gonna head home, school stars next week and I wanna go shopping seeing as most of my clothes are not gonna fit in the next couple of mounts. I called a cap seeing as I didn't drive my car here. I got home and noticed that jimin was still not home, I guessed he must of had a fun night with someone. I headed up stairs to my room and took a shower and changed my clothes. I ate and finished up getting ready. I was about to head out when my phone rang. I looked to see who was callings                  
       JIN- hey somin I'm gonna need you to come to my house.
         SOMIN- why did something happen to sowon.
         JIN- no she ok, it's jimin he stood he last night and let's just say he needs you right now.
      SOMIN- ok I'm omw.
I quickly got in my car and drove to Jin oppas house. I went and opened to door, and yes without knocking there family I don't need to knock.
I walked in and saw jimin laid out on their couch. I walked over to him, he looked like he had been crying.
            JIN- your here I didn't even hear you.
       Somin- yeah I just kinda walk in with out knocking. What's wrong with jimin.
        JIN- will let's just say he gonna have the worst headache and is gonna need some advil
        SOMIN- thank you for taking care of him, I know he can be a real asshole sometimes.
        JIN- trust me I know I practically raised him, but Somin I just want to tell you that jimin is really trying to change for you and your baby ok, I know he did some real fuck up shit in the past but you have to understand that jimin is fucked up in the head, just please give him a chance he really does love you.
           SOMIN- I know oppa but it's just hard i mean he raped and beat me many times. He hurt me physically and mentally. I really wanna believe he changed but it's just to hard to believe it, but trust me I'm gonna try because I wanna have a future with him and our baby. I may not love him yet but I do have strong feelings for him.
   After my heart to heart conversation
with Jin, me and oppa got jimin to the car. Now I have to go home and take care of this big baby in the backseat, yay me!

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