Chapter 1: Raised by Wolves

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Teo sprinted as fast as he could through the luscious rainforest, panting for breaths of the sweet air perfumed by the almost-sickly scent of caffle fruit. He heard the heavy, lumbering pawsteps on the mud; the wolf was getting closer. He pushed himself to go faster, however the wolf could match his speed, and soon he felt the dank air of the creature's heaving breaths on his neck.

"Gotcha!" Jio barked, gripping Teo's sun-coloured ponytail in her mouth. Teo fell to the ground and rolled over as Jio let him go. She smiled a toothy grin down at him and placed her paw on his chest. "Nice one, Teo. You're improving everyday! Keep at it, maybe one day you'll be able to beat me!" She held out a paw and Teo pulled himself up.

"Now let's get back before the grub's gone!" She motioned to her back, covered in vibrant green, grass that blew in the cool breeze. Teo hopped on, hugging her mossy neck to stop himself from falling off. He grinned down at her as she smirked up at him, pushing forwards, whizzing off into the distance with Teo whooping loudly.


As the two came to a halt in a clearing, Teo dismounted. He looked questioningly at Jio, who returned his look. "Where's everybody gone?"

A leaf rustled and Teo whipped round, warily watching the dense ferns and plants for a sign of movement.

"I'm here, Teo." A large white wolf emerged from a tall, tangled shrub, shaking her body in an attempt to knock off the dirt. It was Ouma!

Ouma had adopted Teo ever since she found him as a bundle wrapped up in the forest. The pack agreed to keep him, and Teo had grown up with the Fan'tasi Wolves of the Ashikee Pack for sixteen years, with his brothers and sisters who loved him despite being human. She had beautiful feathery wings like an angel's folded up neatly on her back, and fur so fluffy and white that when she curled up in a ball she looked like a snowpuff. You may think her kind and caring, and you wouldn't be wrong, however woe betide anyone who mistook her as an easy target! Her claws were like daggers and her reflexes just as sharp.

Teo turned around, and laughed with relied and joy at seeing his adoptive mother appear. He ran forward with his arms outstretched and buried himself in her warm fur, smelling her fresh, floral scent. She smiled and looked lovingly down at him.

"Thanks for accompanying him, Jio." Ouma glanced appreciatively up at Jio, who's grassy fur bristled with pride at the compliment.

"My pleasure. He's getting quicker y'know. Soon he'll be old enough to go hunt the big grub so he'll need speed and strength. He's got the stamina and agility. Anyway, where is everyone?"

Ouma's eyes widened. "There's something you need to see." Ouma looked up at Teo, who returned her gaze questioningly.

Teo nervously followed Ouma and Jio out of the clearing and down a hidden path, where he could hear angry barking and a pleading, desperate voice...

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