Chapter 2: A Quest for a Hero

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Note: Not the best chapter but it explains stuff and there's a new chapter in the making coming soon, with a bit more action ;-) As always if you have any ideas to improve my story then feel free to comment them as it helps me lots! -Amu

"I've come all this way, don't let me down! It's really important. I don't know much so I can't explain but it's a prophecy to save the whole world..." The anxious, female voice trailed off as Teo entered the small clearing, with rays of sunlight speckling the mossy floor. A girl with long, purple hair and big, purple eyes sat cross-legged in a rope net hanging from a thick oak branch.

She looked around quickly and noticed Teo, and her eyes widened. She smiled, and Teo could tell she was relieved. Her tense shoulders relaxed and she leaned backwards.

"Here, it's the boy raised by wolves in the Colossar Forest." The wolves looked confused so she gestures towards Teo. "From the prophecy! What's your name?" The girl continued as she stared into Teo's eyes imploringly.

"T-" Teo started, but Cassiel leapt in front. She was the alpha female, with fur like the night sky, covered in swirling galaxies and shooting stars.

She stared at the girl and narrowed her eyes. The girl just looked back.

"So, Alice... That is your name, right?" The girl nodded but looked surprised, "Why do you need this boy?"

She stared at Teo, and said, "Well, the humans are fighting a huge war, and there is a prophecy that asks for a boy raised by wolves in this forest, so I came to find him to save the world. Basically." She grinned, and asked, "So... Wanna come with me? It'll be an adventure and you'll be a hero. You'll get to meet new people and do some proper fighting and help save so many people."

Teo looked up at her, still sitting cross-legged in the net. He couldn't help but smile as he carefully pondered the proposition...

Saving people... He couldn't just say no. Their lives were on the line while he was living an easy life here in a beautiful forest surrounded by family who loved and cared for him.

Fighting... It sounded scary but if he was in a prophecy then it was obviously meant to happen. Anyway, he'd had practice fighting prey with Jio so how hard could it be?

Meeting new people... Teo had never met a human before but he knew he must have real parents out there... Maybe he'd get to meet them?

Teo swallowed and looked up at Alice.


The wolves gasped. Alice leaned forward, her grin even wider, the she wriggled and scrambled out of the net easily. She landed in a cloud of dust and quickly stood up. Cassiel narrowed her eyes.

"How did you escape our trap so easily?! It's meant to be a trap, not a mere inconvenience!" The alpha was gaping at Alice.

"On one condition, Alice." Teo continued. Alice gulped. "That I can return home after?" Teo shifted from side to side, worried about the answer.

A huge wave of relief swept over Alice's face and she nodded. "Of course!"

Teo laughed with excitement. This was going to be amazing... Leaving the pack to go on an adventure! Scary, but amazing. Then he remembered something. "Cassiel, how did you know Alice's name?"

The galaxy wolf froze, then let out a barking laugh. "Oh, magic! A pretty cool trick I learned on my travels as a juvenile. No doubt this trip will give you the chance to learn some pretty cool tricks too. I wish you the best of luck, Teo. We all do."

Ouma nodded and smiled, so did Jio, so did everyone. Even the unusual water wolf Ynith, who lurked in rivers, spying on waterfowl, winked at Teo.

"Well, thanks for everything, hopefully I'll see you soon! Bye, Ouma, Jio, Cassiel, Torc, Ynith, Scar, Cinqo, Lion, Daisy... All you guys. Love you!" Teo felt tears welling up in his eyes as he walked off with Alice, looking back and waving.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2018 ⏰

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