Please dont be mad mom

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Jennavicia have a boyfriend name Giovanni and she just found she was pregnant but how is going to tell her family , what if her mom kick her out of the house , what if nobody support her in her decision that she makes there was a lot of things going on in jennavicia head. The first person that she told that she was pregnant to was her boyfriend Giovanni and when she told him he was actually excited she was in shock because she thought he would of just left her you know how guys be.

While Giovanni was talking to jennavicia how is going to tell her parents jennavicia just said I'm just gonna say it but you have to come with me to tell my parents I wasn't the one that got myself pregnant

Meanwhile at jennavicia House
Jennavicia says can everybody come to the living room please so when everybody finally settled down in the living room kellie which is jennavicia mom said what is Jenna what's the matter
Then jennavicia said well please don't be mad mom but... then her mom kellie says but what lemme guess your pregnant aren't you , jennavicia said yes I am and I'm sorry , kellie said you shouldn't be sorry it is what it is and I'm not mad you or proud of you being pregnant as a teenager but I will support you no matter what the situation is so then jennavicia dad Melvin said I'm not mad at you I will support you and your boyfriend Giovanni since you guys are expecting a baby on the way , Harold which is jennavicia older brother said I will help you if anything and the twins Leilani and meilani were excited to get a new baby in the house so after that they all gave jennavicia and her boyfriend Giovanni a hug and told them if they need anything just let them know so jennavicia said wow that was so easy I was a nervous reck the whole time for nothing and Giovanni said that really was easy babe

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