I cheated on you melliena

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Marquis said to melliena I have to tell you something. Melliena said what do you have to tell me marquis. Marquis said well I cheated on you and I'm having another child with someone else I'm sorry. Melliena said how can you be sorry if you cheated on me , you wasn't thinking about me and Ava-layne when you was cheating! Marquis said well at least I found someone that treats me well! Melliena said your acting like I don't sacrifice anything for you when I was pregnant what I do I stopped everything that I wanted to do for you to follow your dreams! Marquis well I'm leaving , I'm done arguing with you , I hope you enjoy yourself with our child without my help! Marquis walks away with his suitcase and slams the door

My life my love my baby my everything Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ