Meeting Gabe

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A/n: Ik I said I wouldn't update again till Maddy did but She's taking a break from Wattpad and she can't login to the account
After school I head to the park and meet up with Gabe. I couldn't find him and then I felt his arms wrap around me from behind him. "Hello Kitten," Gabe says. I pull away from him.
"What do you want? And don't call me Kitten I have a boyfriend you know!" I exclaim. He laughs evily.
"Have you bitten anyone yet?" Gabe asks.
"No..." I say.
"Awe come on really?!?" Gabe exclaims.  "You have to bite someone to live."
"I've been drinking animal blood," I say.
"Well you need to bite someone soon or else you die," Gabe says.


Who should Brooke bite? It can be anyone but Abbie.

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