Brenden and Gabe Are So Annoying

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I wake up and check my phone.... first thing I do is text Brenden, but this time it was different...
Me- Hey goat.... I'm worried about you.. you haven't been answering any texting any of the group? what's going on are you ok?
Goat- um.. well I just don't wanna talk to you guys anymore.. don't you ever think your to young....
Me- Brooke is missing and you're just now saying this?!?
Goat- I'm sorry 
Me- I'm done! Goodbye Brenden!

You have blocked this number

I sigh and text Abbie and tell her about Brenden.

Abbie: R u serious?!?

Me: Yeah...


Me: How r we gonna find Brooke? She's been missing since yesterday and Cody is worried

Abbie: Idk


"Gabe please let me go home!" I exclaim in tears. I'm currently tied up in a corner.

"I can't let you do that kitten," Gabe kisses my forehead.

I feel so disgusted

"Please..." I say.

"Fine!" Gabe exclaims and unties me. He then pushes me against the wall and kisses my neck. I'm still in tears as he kisses me.

"Tell anyone about this and I'll kill you..."

I nod. Before I leave I look at the hickey he gave me. I run to Maddy's house and knock on her door. She opens it.

"Oh my god what happened to you?!?" Maddy exclaims. I run and hug her in tears. She goes and texts Cody and Abbie. They both come over. Cody hugs me and calms down.

"Now tell us what happened," Abbie says.

Gabe watches my every move...there is no way I can tell them

"So there was this guy...he grabbed me and took me to his house. He had me tied up in a corner and I've been there since yesterday. He finally let me go but before I left he gave me this hickey," I lie.

"Did he hurt you?" Maddy asks. I shake my head no.

"I'm so glad you're ok," Cody says hugging me again.

Am I really?

Two Best FriendsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora