Chapter 1: my birth

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It was March the 28th 2007 in the evening in the Auckland hospital my mom was pregnant and I was in her stomach usually the head would come out so my mom pushed and pushed and pushed until nothing came out so my mom had to have surgery on her stomach cuz I couldn't come out when she pushed and to be honest my mom wanted twins but she  never got any and I wanted a twin but I never got one anyways after my birth the nurse took me to the nursery and she wrote down some stuff in my baby book and my mom would come to the nursery sometimes and when she visited I was always asleep and when my mom got back to my room the nurse checked on me and wrote in the baby book again and often I would be either crying or sleeping but I was still fine. I still had some other babies around me. When I was able to go to my moms room one day the nurse took me and my parents saw me I was awake but well my mom was there and my dad would be home watching my siblings but we will get to that in the next chapter anyways one day it went normal me sleeping but what I didn't know was that I had and injection shot when I was sleeping. It was on my left arm and I didn't know until my mom told me a few years later but I will get to that in a few chapters. The end

Hey guys if you have questions you can ask me cuz I take questions and I will update other books I promise ok thank you for your time ~neko_ofa

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2018 ⏰

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