Chapter 2: I'M A PRINCESS?!?!?!

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(Juvia's P.O.V)


The three of them went to the guild, revealing the news about Juvia.

"Yes, you are in fact."~ The Man

"But how? Where did she came from? If she's a princess then explain why she doesn't  remember any of this?!?!?!"~ Most of the guild said

"sigh~... 10 years ago there was a kingdom known as 'Nureta Taki', at the kingdom there was the beautiful queen Tsukiakari and a small princess named...well your name in this case. The queen was an amazing ruler, and she would do anything for her kingdom and of course her small child. One day when you were only 7 years old we were attacked by an army of dragons~"~The Man


"Shut up and I'll tell you, you little pink haired brat! Anyways we were attacked by an army of dragons that didn't want the kingdom, but they instead wanted your mother..." ~The Man

"Why would they want my mother?" 

I had a very concern look on my face.

"...Her heart... The queen's heart was very important to the dragon's because not only it was a very pure heart, but also the king of dragon's wanted to use the heart to bring his true love back to life."~The Man


Erza then takes off her iron boot and slams it onto Natsu's head.

"THANK YOU ERZA!!!!"~The whole guild yelled.

"Hey it's what I do!  ;D"~Erza

"Mister I don't recall you telling us your name.."~Levy

"Raiu, Raiu Kurasshu.. So back to the story. When the dragons started to attack the guards and I needed to keep the queen and the princess safe and get them out quickly. I was the one who was in charge of making sure they both go out safely....But the queen had a even better plan, her plan was to go in a different direction of me and Juvia so the dragons don't get to Juvia. She wanted Juvia to make it more than herself."~Raiu

"That's so beautiful..."~Lucy

"So your saying my mother risked her life for mine?"

"Indeed..(He got on one knee and bowed down to Juvia) my princess..."~Raiu

I didn't know what to say or do once I saw him do that. and when I turned around I was even more shocked the whole guild bowed down to me, even Gray-Sama too!

"But wait I need to know one more thing. How did we get separated?"

"..I'm sorry your Highness! I DIDN'T MEAN FOR THAT TO HAPPEN!!!"~Raiu

Raiu started to cry

"What do you mean?"

"When we were getting away in the carriage a dragon destroyed half of the carriage, in that half was where you were in. I tried to save you, but the dragon was in the way. And when I finally escaped from it I came back there to get you, but you were already gone!"~Raiu

Raiu kept crying harder and harder, until Juvia got down and put an arm on his shoulder saying,

"It's alright. I forgive you"

"You really do your highness? After all that has happened to you?"~Raiu

"Of course! You were the one who saved me from the dragons that were in the castle. So what if there was an accident it's not like you caused it..."

"Sigh~ You are just like your mother..."~Raiu

He put a hand on my cheek and I started to cry with tears of joy.

"So maybe when Juvia fell out of the carriage Juvia bumped her head which caused her to lose her memory."~Levy

"And the reason to why Juvia wasn't there when Raiu came back to get her was because she was already rescued by the Farmer and wife"~Gray

"Yes everything makes sense now...BUT WHAT NOW?!?!?! I'M NOW KNOW MY PAST BUT WHAT WILL BECOME OF THE FUTURE?!?!?!?!"

"You will have to go back to Nureta Taki again so we can bring peace to the kingdom again."~Raiu

"WHAT?!?!?! BUT...But what about Fairy Tail?...My life was a horror film without this guild...I can't just leave my family..."

The whole guild started to disagree

"Juvia we are still going to be your family, but you have duties as a princess to rule your kingdom."~Makorav

"But I don't want to be a princess! I WANT TO STAY AS A WIZARD!!!"

"You are still a wizard in the inside..."~Erza

"Juvia were still going to be there for you. So don't worry about a thing."~Lucy


"Your right... Your all much as I really don't want to go I have to go..."

Juvia turns to Raiu

"I will go with you, just promise me one thing.."

"And what is that your highness?"~Raiu

"Promise that Fairy Tail is always welcomed at the castle."

"You read my mind your highness..."~Raiu

~To Be Continued~

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