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Terra held the bundle in her hands, Chronos peering over her shoulders. He smiled as a soft coo sound escaped the bundle.

"He's perfect. It's a shame we have to give him away so soon. He'll survive though, if the prophecy's right... and Spira is never wrong." Chronos trailed off, looking at, yet not seeing, the bundle.

Terra whispered, "He'll be okay! I mean, he will learn how to do things and he'll grow up in a natural environment, right?" She looked up at Chronos hopefully, seeking reassurance. He put his muscular arms around her, and nuzzled her with his big, bearded head.

"Of course he'll be okay. Have you known one of Spira's prophecies to not come true?" He laughed, but nervously.

Terra remembered when Spira had incorrectly predicted what birthday presents she'd get, but that was ages ago. Spira had surely improved, and it was probably a mistake, and even if the prophecy was incorrect her child would still have a good chance of survival, right?

She pushed the thoughts to the back of her head and rested the baby down on the cloud, shifting the blankets so that his olive skin and silky platinum blonde hair peaked through. He gurgled and fell asleep.

"Well, if he stays with us he has no chance." Terra stroked the baby's soft cheek and looked up at Chronos.

"I don't remember being able to sleep that well in ages..." Chronos sighed, then rose slowly into the air and flew off. Terra followed, but she took one last look.

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