the ghost of the library and the red skull

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Capítulo 6: the ghost of the library and the red skull

Seeing that the abandoned wine cellar offered them no clue as to how to get out of the house, the three friends went to the room passing the black cat and the medieval armor.

"Lets open the northern gate," suggested Lydia, and Viola and Percy went after her.

As they passed through the door frame, they saw that they had arrived at the library of the old house. The whole room was just as dimly lit as the rest of the place, yet it could be noticed that the floor was made of floor tiles that formed a simple pattern, but had the characteristic of appearing to change its color from beige to ochre, depending on how close the floor was to the light.

"Look, Lydia, there are a lot of books," said Percy, who looked at the small bookshelves that made up a total of eight and were very far apart.

The gilded titles on the back of the books seemed to give off a glimmer of light, a rare sight considering that the enormous room was almost dark.

"There's something on the right," Percy noted.

The library did not have a perfect square surface area; to the southeast it extended a wide bend, but unlike the rest of the room, this sector was disordered. Several books were scattered around the place, some open and others piled up as if to form towers.

"There's another ghost in this place," Lydia said as she approached the pile of books, "I can't see him, but like the cook's ghost, this other ghost casts a faint shadow on the floor."

"Do you think it's wise to approach?" asked Viola.

"We won't talk to him, but maybe there's a clue we can find out," said Lydia.

The three nodded and surrounded the ghost and searched the place.

"Don't touch the books," Lydia warned them.

The three friends could find nothing and when they were about to return to the booksellers the ghost muttered: "Stacking these books is not going well, I need something to tie them together".

"Let's keep exploring," said Lydia and the three of them went to the booksellers.


A bloodstain appeared on the wall, right in the corner.

"Let's not get distracted, let's go see the books," said Viola, and everyone went to the booksellers.

The books seemed to touch on mundane subjects, but those whose backs emitted soft sparks seemed to have themes of interest to the group.

"Keys don't open doors in the witch's house, something else must serve as a key."

"The shape of the house changes depending on the witch's magic."

"You were right, Lydia," said Percy, "this explains the wine cellar room on the second floor."

"Let's keep looking at more books," said Viola and went to the second row of booksellers with a book called "A funny story"."

"Once upon a time, there was a rich man pushing a wagon full of treasures."

"His wagon broke down in the woods, but a hunter and his dog appeared."

"The rich man begged the hunter to look after his wagon, which the hunter agreed to."

"The rich man went to get a new wagon. Meanwhile, the hunter kept guarding himself."

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