Chapter 1

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The most anticipated day of the week is by far Saturday. You get to sleep in, do absolutely nothing productive for a day and just unwind and reflect on the events of the past week.After a long week of maintaining ones image, it's nice to have a day off in which you can be yourself. That is if your not 17 year old Noelani Blake, who is stuck getting up at 6:00 AM in order to serve her 8 hour Saturday detention.

Well she planned to get up at 6:00,but her alarm clock graciously allowed her to sleep in until far later. The brunette beauty eyes flutter open, stretches, before turning on her side and drifting back to sleep. A second later she shoots up so quickly, surprising not getting whiplash.

Squinting she stares at the clock on her wall, her eyes not yet used to the light invading them. Her eyes widen as she throws her blanket off her and runs to the bathroom to get ready, now aware that she only has 10 minuets before she has to leave.

With a toothbrush still in her mouth she rushes to her closets grabbing the first outfit she sees. Hugging her clothes quickly to herself. Internally thanking her father for instilling the habit of setting up multiple outfits in case of emergencies.Rushing back to the bathroom she spits and rinses her mouth, and quickly changes into her outfit. Running a brush through her hair she runs out back to her room across the hall grabbing her wore out backpack and a pair of converse before running downstairs.

She runs to the kitchen, rolling her eyes at the site of her older brother sat on the counter reading the papers upside down. She snakes his coffee before chugging it down. Dax lowers the papers covering his face to reveal a smirk on his face. Politely he greets her, "Have a nice morning?" he asks the 17 year old rumidgeing through the fridge, franitally.

"You suck! Why didnt you wake me ?" Lani yells as pulls out a random container from the fridge and stuffing it in her bag.

The older boy shrugs, " I don't know, are you gonna call dad and tell him this too?" He says accusingly.

Lani stops in her running and turns to Dax, " look I told you im sorry. It's not like I actuallly told dad."

"But you were going too! And that alone is not okay!" The older boy yells. His eyes remain hard but the crack in his voice betrays his harsh stance.

"Im sorry,but thanks to you I dont have time to make it up to you" she says wearing her shoes and sneakily grabbing his keys from the table. Before running out and towards his bike wearing the helmet hanging off the bike.

Just as she starts the bike she hears her brother yell trying to stop as he makes his way towards her. But alas a second later she was gone, in her way to hell.

Alright so wattpad is shit! It deleted the first chapter that i posted before exams. I come back her to start working on the second chapter to find out that there isn't a first chapter, so im sorry about that. I hope you guys like this short chapter i promise next ones will be longer.

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