Oh... Too many Guys...

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Toshiya seats me and I look around flustered if Kyo is going to come. He does not and instead goes to the bathroom. I look around to see where the others are before I go on our conversation. I see Shinya and Die play with a small ball and Kaoru smoking in a corner. Okay, I located where everyone is at so I can be at ease. Toshiya puts his arm around my shoulder and takes his phone out for a selfie with me.

"Gotta remember this moment, don't we?"

"Um, yeah, sure haha."

After my uncomfortable laugh, I tell him I'm going to go outside for a bit wanting some fresh air. He understands and lets me go. I go out and hit my back to the wall and slide down in exhaustion. I sigh and look over to the cab. He's still there waiting... Damn, that job must suck balls, it better pay well. He sees me, walks towards me, and leans with a hand out to help me back up. I look at him for a while and never noticed that he's incredibly young! He shouldn't be doing this sucky job if he still has potential... His sleek black hair is a bit covered with his hat, but at lest he's not wearing the sunglasses so I could see his eyes finally. They have a nice color: light honey colored eyes with a bit of dark brown. He's actually pretty good-looking. What the fuck? He has so much potential so why is he doing this crappy job? I grab his hand, but with a confused expression on my face. He thought I was making that face for his gesture so he explains to me it's because he knows how I must be feeling.

"No, no. It's not that, but thank you. It's just because I don't understand why you have such a boring job when you still have so much you can do instead of this. Are you paying something off in the meantime," I asked.

"Ah, no. I actually don't know myself. These rides give me time to think, but I can never find an answer that can satisfy me so I keep on doing this," he pauses then continues, "The members don't really like me, especially Kyo... I know how distant Kyo can be with his fans so I try to be close with them. It sounds wrong I know, and that's why they don't like me. They see me as dangerous. I'm also a huge fan of theirs so it's also a huge factor that I have this job."

"I see. I guess I can understand why you would be seen like that... You don't SEEM like a bad person so I'm going to choose to trust you," before I can say anything else he leans in and hugs me...

"Thank you. My name is Rin, I just realized I never told you. I really like you," he whispers.

He wraps his arms around my torso and lays his head on my neck. Great, I just wanted some fresh air... What am I supposed to do?! He looks at me with lust and and kisses me softly for a while sliding his hands to my sides then down to my hips. I hear the door open. Toshiya comes out.

    "Hey, are you okay? What's takin - "

    Oh no. Great, just absolutely fucking wonderful! First I get close to my favorite bassist who is now seeing me kiss some other dude, then Kyo I think might want to kill me, and I still want to talk to the other three to try and be friends, but now Rin likes me! Uugghh there are so many dudes! I just can't deal!

Side note - (Damn, something good for once. XD)

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