Ayego Shortie

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The next day you wake up completely tierd and a loud knocking at the door.
You remember Jimin. You thought It was a dream so you wake up to the loud banging and grab a stool and open the door with the stool in your hand.
Thank the Lord it's just Jimin
" Wait... I thought that was a dream..." You say in front of Jimin
" What was? And may I come in?"  Jimin asks superstitiously
"Yeah you can come in and I thought that your didn't know me wow. I got lucky!" You say excited.
" Ok I'll help you with math " he says.
He comes inside and when he takes off his hat his hair is now Ketchup red.
" Jimin! Your hair looks like ketchup! " You chuckle at him.
Jimin sighs and agrees and tells you why his hair has the same Shade pallalet of tomato soup.
You start to understand but still laughing at his tomato cherry hair.
" Well I'm not here so you can make fun of my hair I'm here to tutor you " he says firmly.
You agree and the tutoring starts.
You start to get tierd but Jimin is wide awake.
You yawn.
"Jiminie how do you stay awake this long?" You ask as you stretch
" Maybe because I drink coffee from time to time. " He says with his finger in his chin questioning whether that's why or not.
" Yeah maybe " you say as you lean your head on Jimins shoulder.
Jimin major blushes but continues teaching. Since you guys are the same age you thought that doing this was okay:
You get so tierd that you got behind Jimin and wrapped your legs around his chest and your arms around his neck and watched him help you.
His face starts flushing red and you chuckle.

~ TimeSkip ~

After a while you start to hum butterfly. You start to play with his hair.
" Chim chim can you cook for me please. I'm hungry " you ask.
He agrees and goes to cook.
Instead of math channels on TV you change it to when Jimin ripped his shirt on stage.
"Wow chim chim you have Abs!"
You say suprised.
Jimin blushes very much
" Urgh it was used to have Abs and why are you watching me dance like this! " You look at him.
" You wanna hear the honest truth chimmy? " You say looking at him.
"Y-y-yes please!" He says trying to change the channel.
You whisper in his ear
" Because your a Ayego Shortie and it's interesting to see you act like a bad boy like
jungkookie-kun! " When you said that you totally fluterd him.
" Ayego s-shortie? " He says where his face looks the same color as his hair.
You pull him closer to your face about to kiss but your mom walks In. She isn't trying to stop you but you stop cause she has to test you.
" Hey Eomma S-Sakura " Jimin says to your mother.
" Hi Jimin, how did she do? "
She asks looking around the house
" She d-did great " Jimin says flustered from what was about to happen.
Then your mom tests you and tells Jimin he can continue to Tutor you.
" Arigato I must go now bye Y/n I'll see you tomorrow " Jimin says
"Bye Bye Ayego Shortie! " You say.
" Honey I knew you would want to kiss him! I want you to kiss him by tomorrow, now this is what I want you to do. . . . .

Oooh what do you think she is gonna want y/n to do? Well leave suggestions or guests down below and check out my other story's guys! Peace!

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