Chapter one- Meeting her

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Lucy P.O.V~

I was walking down the street on my way to the most amazing guild in the world...Fairy Tail.

It's been almost a year since I became a member and I love it. I went through many adventures, made new friends and discover things everyday.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, I ran into someone. We both fell to the floor at the same time.

"Owwww...." I said as I rubbed my forehead.

"I'm so sorry!" I heard that person said. I notice a shadow over me, so I looked up.

She has very long blonde hair and electrifying blue eyes. She's extremely curvy and have a huge bust.

She also wore a tight t-shirt with a heart on it, a mini skirt and some sneakers with long tubed socks.

The girl hold out her hand to me and smiled kindly.

"Need any help?" She asked. I slowly accepted her hand. With great force, she helped me up.

"Thanks." I said and she nodded.

"Anytime, real sorry about that," She answered, "I should watch where I'm going." I smiled and franticly waved my hands.

"No no, it was my fault as well." I stated. She laughed a bit as I sweat dropped.

"By the way, the name's Alaula," she stated, "Alaula Melanchthon."

"My name is Lucy." I said, introducing myself. Alaula stares at me curiously.

"Lucy, huh?" She said and I nodded.

"That's a cute name!" She exclaims happily and I sweat dropped.

Why she so happy about that?

"Well anyway," Alaula continues, "I have to be somewhere. See ya around, Lucy!" Before anything else, she waved and ran off.

I watched as the girl I met runs off into the town.

I hope she doesn't run into the wrong person....

I turned around and head my way to Fairy Tail.

~*~*~(Hour later)

I sat in the bar in Fairy Tail as Mirajane served me a drink. I thanked her as I took sip by sip.

"And you said she kinda looks like you?" Mirajane asked.

We been talking about the girl that I met earlier. The more I think about her, the more I realize how she looks like me.

"Yeah she does," I answered, "She even wore the clothes that I might possibly wear." Mira giggled.

"Well I bet she's a very nice girl." She stated. Mirajane then picked up a tray of drinks and left to serve the others.

I sat alone as I continue sipping my drink. Suddenly something blue swish by me and sat next me....I already knew who it was.

"What's up Lucy?" Happy greeted, trying to be cute.

"What do you want, Happy?" I groaned. His look saddens.

"Why are you mean, Lucy?" He asked, "Is it because you don't have a boyfriend?"

"That's not even it!" I exclaimed angrily. Happy takes out a big fish from his bag.

"Don't feel sad," he said, "Here, wanna share fish?" I blankly stare at him.

"As if I wanna share a raw fish with you." I said in a monotone and Happy frowned.

"By the way," I continued, "Where's Natsu?" Happy shrugged his shoulders.

"Beats me," he answered, "He said he's going someplace and said to meet him here later." I stared at Happy questionably.

That's a bit weird....Fairy Tail is the very first place Natsu goes before anything else....unless he went to a diner or something....and what's really that he left behind Happy and Happy's okay with it....

"Are you sure?" I asked. Happy took a big bite of his fish.

"Aye!" He answered with his mouth full, spitting everywhere.

"Don't eat with your mouth full!" I shouted at the cat.

"Hey Lucy." Wendy greeted with Carla beside her.

"Carla-chan!~" Happy greeted the white cat happily.

"Hello Happy." She greeted blankly and Happy frowned.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I said with a smile.

"Well Erza found us a mission to do," Wendy explains, "So she's waiting for us. Grey is already here and Julia might tag along." I nodded.

"I'm up for it." I stated. Happy jumped up.

"Aye!" He stated happily and flew off to go with the others.

"Where's Natsu?" Carla asked.

"Oh yeah, he said he'll come by later." I answered.

"Wow, that's not like Natsu to not be here." Wendy said.

"Especially when only Happy is here without him." Carla added.

"I thought the same thing," I stated, "So what now?" Wendy shrugged her shoulders.

"Let the others know, I guess." She answered. And so, we left to the others.


We were outside of the guild where Erza, Grey, Happy, and Julia waited for us.

"Hey guys." I greeted them.

"Hello Lucy," Erza greeted, "I'm glad you can make it."

"Only if that knuckle head Natsu would show up too," Grey stated, "Where is that guy?"

"He went to go do something." I answered.

"We're well aware of that," Erza said, "What I don't understand is why would he go...without Happy?" We all stare down at Happy.

"Huh?" He said, staring up at us.

"Happy? Is there more to it in your story?" Erza asked, glaring down at him.

Happy looked at all us nervously. Suddenly, he grew his wings and tried to fly away.

Unfortunately, Erza grabbed his long tail and pulled him down as his face hit the ground first.

"Why would you triy to escape from Erza," Grey asked, "If you know you can't?" We all sweat dropped.

"Tell us Happy!" She yelled, "What's really going on! Where's Natsu?!"

Erza pulls on his tail with her foot on Happy's head, torturing him.

"He's on a date!" Happy shouted in defeated. We all stare at the cat in silence.

"With who?" Erza asked, torturing him some more.

"With his girlfriend!" Happy shouted.

We all stared at him in shock and disbelief. As we all had the same mind, we all screamed in terror.


End of chapter~

I hope you guys like it :3

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