one shot 2

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The titans were out in town today, well almost, robin decided to leave cyborg and beast boy in the tower to keep a watch on the crime alert whilst the others go out to get some food for everyone, so thats what lead to the situati of cyborg and beastboy sitting on the couch playing vidio games, with cyborg have a twisted snarl plasterd on his face, since when did he loose vidio games to beastboy?
Beastboy? The lazy vegetarian, lets just say, the half robot was annoyed
"and thats three wins in a row!" Beastboy said with a proud grin on his face as cyborg grummbeld under his breath as he press re set
"oohhhh you wanna rematch? Okay but be prepeard to lose once again" he giggeld staring a screen with an intence look on hes face

10 minets in to the round both players had one life left as they rapidly fired at eachother, cyborg glanced over to beastboy as an idea bubbeld in his mind, with a quick motion he leand over and placed his lips on to the others cheek witch staind them a red shade as the blood rushed to his cheeks making him freeze as cyborgs charcter shot his taking awaythe one life he has left
"booya! I win" the half robot said fits pumping the air
"y-you cheated..." the shapeshifter mutterd as he touched the area his friends lips had previously been
"come on dude lets get some pizza" cyborg says as he runs over to the phone, beastboy sighed out a breath he didnt even know he was holding in as he sunk down on the sofa, this is gunna be a wired night...

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2018 ⏰

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