The feeding and the confrontation!

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I ran as fast as I could toward the Hokage's office where I could sense my sister. I bypassed the brown haired woman at the front desk, ignoring her calls for me to stop. My throat wasnon fire, and id I do not feed within a few seconds, then I might attack someone else. My control was usually great, but when the second stage is set in motion, all control that I have gained flew out the window. As I passed the 1st and 2nd leader's offices, I screeched to a stop in front of the 3rd's and threw the door open. Startling those in the room, I launched myself at the busty blonde.

She caught me expertly, twirling as she began to sprout about how great I was for coming to see her. Burying my face in between her milky white pillows, I latched onto the left one and began feeding off Rika. She squealed and hugged me tighter. I took several drags before retracting my pointed canines, but kept my face buried in her bossom, signalling that I was done feeding. Stopping her twirls, she place me down on my feet with her back facing the room, and I quickly sealed the puncture wounds with my saliva.

"Thank you, Rika." I smiled up at her and she returned it with a bright grin. Ruffling my hair, she pushed me toward Hizen Sarutobi and sent a meaningful look. I nodded and went to whisper in the old man's ear.

"The pills are no longer in effect; the second stage has begun." I watched as he nodded seriously and gaze at me with wise dark eyes.

"A room will be ready for you." He said, sending Rika a sad look when she sighed quietly. Hizen told me to go to the apartment quickly and stay inside, with no contact with any body. Nodding, I leapt out of the open window, and jumped from roof top to roof top, avoiding any one that might want to talk to me. Shielding my eyes from the blinding rays of the sun, I saw my apartment 20 feet away and I smiled.

"Kazune, wait up!"

I cursed my luck and paused, turning to look at the one who called my name. I grew confused. "Sasuke. What is it?"

He stopped within 2 feet of me and panted lightly, making my thoughts turn down south. "What happened earlier in class? You eyes turned red!"

I stiffened, unsure what I should do. I should honor the Hokage's wishes by going home and shutting myself out, but I felt the need to give Sasuke a reason for what happened. "It was my Kekkei genkai. It activates when I'm extremely emotional."

He gave me a curious look, a surprise to me since he was just a emotionless prick. Sighing, I waved to him and quickly went into my home. After I was safe within the confines of my home, I quickly went into my room as everything began to burn.

Kazune Fuyu {Oc x Various}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang